Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Guess Who Spoke of “The Life and Legacy of George Floyd”?

By Nicholas Stix

That was a Marc Thiessen, a Republican talking head on Fox News yesterday.

But Thiessen was not speaking with tongue in cheek. I could see speaking of “the life and legacy” of Jeff Sessions (73), Thomas Sowell (89), Gene Hackman (90), or Clint Eastwood (also 90), after they’re gone, but “the life and legacy of George Floyd” is that he was a violent, career criminal, who died while in police custody, and whose death was used by thousands of evil people to wreak havoc across the country.

Before writing this little item, I debated with myself how to describe Marc Thiessen—as “a bleepin’ Republican”? No, “Republican” now suffices to stand alone. Marc Thiessen is a Republican. That’s the worst curse I can think to call him.


Anonymous said...

We need a new network,FOX doesn't cut it anymore.I cancelled many months ago--no regrets.What are the nigs on there saying?How about Larry Elder?

Anonymous said...

Every Dog must know the Master and his guy knows now too. Enjoy the dog food. Dumb shit.

Sebastian Hawks said...

This whole thing was a planned insurrection. The Pritzker family along with Warren Buffet and BIll Gates own the Brick Company that the mysterious pallets of bricks awaiting the rioters came from. Now were these ordered for legitimate construction purposes and who paid for them, were these sent by the highest levels of the company or was their ownership just coincidental. But wonder if the Pritzker family is involved in funding this ANTIFA? They didn't start attacking Trump rallies in the 2016 campaign until Trump showed up in Chicago, home to the Pritzker clan. Question is how long was this in planning and was the overly long shut down of the economy part of the plan? If Obama went to that Church they'd be hailing it as a great moment of leadership but no matter what Trump does this evil media spins it against him. Seems this is an attempt to rerun the Charlottesville thing on a national scale and they can use their control of the lying media to spin it completely against Trump, the police, and normal America instead of the leftist violent mob.