Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Does Ben Stein Read NSU/WEJB?

Does Ben Stein Read NSU/WEJB?
By David in TN
Tue, Jun 9, 2020 11:08 p.m.

Ben Stein, sometime actor, writer, American Spectator columnist, has written two remarkable pieces on the current imbroglio.

On June 4, at TAS, Stein wrote "My View of Looters." An excerpt: "Yes, of course black lives matter. But 99.9 percent of the blacks killed violently in this country are killed by other blacks. Very few are killed by the police. Let's see the college boys and sexy upper-class white girls in their shorts demonstrate against the Crips and the Bloods. Let's see the absolute idiot commentators on the news shows lambaste the gang-bangers. Of course they don't because they're chickens--t. They only march against people they know won't harm them."

On June 8, Stein wrote "This Country is Going Absolutely Crazy," saying "There is no First Amendment any longer. There's just kissing the behinds of the black liberals. That trumps everything else. Blackness is not even a defense. You have to be a black leftist, white-hating white, or some other form of maniac to get along in today's world."

I've been reading Ben Stein for decades. He has never sounded like this.


David In TN said...

Something I forgot to mention. Stein referenced black on black crime, but not the Rail literally no public figure touches. Namely, black on white crime, murder especially.

Anonymous said...

Remember my theoretical question,If you "just say no" in a forest,does anyone hear it?
Ben Stein is in that forest.Pat Buchanan is trapped in the same forest,along with James Woods.
If they weren't stuck in that forest,they would be getting ostracized and labeled "racist" by the new powers that be--NNN,CNN,MSNBC,the NYTimes,WAPO,DemCommie politicians and Hollywood celebs,but it's crickets--the density of the trees prevents the sounds they're attempting to make from reaching outside of the forest.
These men are all over 72 years old--and white--and deemed unimportant by the people that run things--they are kept amongst the trees--silenced.All they can do is hear each other.
John Lewis,a black 80 year old,is not in that forest--he is out being heard by media.He IS important to the people that are deciding the narrative and what the public can hear.
Obama burps and it's immediately broadcast with subtitles and analysis of what it means--"Trump is a racist President,"the usual interpretation.
Some older whites are NOT in the forest--two or three generals(Mattis,e.g.)just recently were brought out of the forest to criticize Trump."W" Bush also was led out briefly--and then sent back.
However,if you're a negro athlete,Hollywood actor or pro-black television announcer,you are not ever in the forest,you're on a mountain top--for all to hear.
Lebron James,Oprah,Holt,Sharpton,Michelle Obama,Abrams are crowded on Mount Negro,a place higher than Mount Everest,where voices carry for thousands of miles around the planet.
Ben Stein is not invited--neither are we.