By An Old Friend
Wed, Jun 24, 2020 3:13 p.m.
Civil Defense in Wyoming
Byron York has a column up, "Good luck in trying to stop mob violence targeting monuments,"
AOF: I'm a fan of York's but the column isn't a big deal, so I won't paste its text. More notable was the first comment added by a reader, presumably somebody who's in Wyoming. (I hope my one Wyoming correspondent will tell me if he can confirm what's below.)
Eugene Podrazik
Its called the magic of the AR15, Mr. York. The willingness to insure peaceable assembly will remain so.There were bus (or bus loads) of BLM/Antifa types who traveled through Wyoming to spread the 'good news'. Aided by distraught local organizers--aka useful idiots. The point is, nothing happened. The police were prepared; one of the fundamental of riot control is to identify the instigators and shut them down. So, the parades in Cheyenne and Casper proceeded as planned, stayed
N.S.: This will only work in places that are predominantly white, and the whites have a thriving gun and self-reliance culture. However, the way things are going, in 10-20 years, the 2A could be repealed, de jure, or the SC could be packed with lyin' leftwing judges (pardon the redundancy) who will de facto repeal it.
"However, the way things are going, in 10-20 years, the 2A could be repealed, de jure, or the SC could be packed with lyin' leftwing judges (pardon the redundancy) who will de facto repeal it."
Justice Stevens in retirement said basically the same thing. And thought it was a good idea. No more 2nd Amendment.
I once asked Lawrence Auster if he knew of a group/tribe of people who willing allowed themselves to be dominated when they had means to resist. His answer was no. It is very disheartening to see my people not only roll over and show their belly but in some cases actively participate in their own elimination, I can only accept this as some sort of spiritual power. It doesn’t seem to follow the laws of nature. I grieve for the world my grandchildren will inherit. I will not go easily. I am older and don’t care. If there were any kind of active resistance I would gladly join. I have contact my representative, Matt Gaetz many times with my concerns. He is in hiding or virtue signaling about his “Cuban Son”.
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