Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The New Barbarians

By A Colleague
Tue, Jun 16, 2020 2:26 p.m.

"The New Barbarians" by Richard Rahn (in Washington Times)

Overview of the kinship between our "New Barbarians" and past barbaric totalitarian movements:

New barbarians deny free speech to others and destroy historical artifacts
By Richard W. Rahn - - Monday, June 15, 2020



Anonymous said...

I agreed with much of what he said,but throw in the loss of not only free speech,but a denial of the right to work with the wrong tweet--it means immediate job loss.That is illogical to connect the two.The commie logic is that lessons and attitudes are taught to the masses through publicized examples of people voicing the wrong,unwanted viewpoint,who are then punished:Roseanne,Papa John,the Philly newspaper editor,the Sacramento King announcer" etc.We're Pavlov's dog--with the bell,in this case,being punitive job loss.
What I disagree with,is the use of the internment camps as argument of his case against tearing down statues.Letting the Japanese into the US,either as legal or illegal residents,was as poor a decision as allowing Mex to invade America the last 25 years.They have their own countries,as the saying goes,they should have stayed in them.
There's no comparison to the early 1930s/40s Japanese coming here,who were interned and the Europeans coming to North America ,200 years earlier.Europeans were explorers and country builders,not Asian invaders coming to a white Euro land to build communities.If Asians had wandered over here first (centuries ago)and developed the land,they could then call the shots of future citizenry,but as you see--even today--Asian countries are a closed society to outsiders--and wisely so.
We should be as well.

Anonymous said...

One other point:What else will the anti-white groups try to deny anyone who disagrees with them publicly?
Pensions?Why not?Bank accounts?If Democrat extremists make their way into higher office in November,what could stop them.Some sort of line in the sand must be drawn by the Supreme Court to clarify whether saying "All lives matter" or "Buildings matter too",is enough for companies to fire someone.
Late news tonight:
NNN,which isn't news of course,reported that the black shot in Oakland(reported here on NSU)during riots 2 weeks ago,was "killed by white supremacists."
They went on to talk about the "Boogaloo Boys"--"a white supremacist group specializing in promoting Civil War."
You won't find a pro-white story on NBC.

Anonymous said...

GRA:As they at NBC(NNN)like to say about President Trump,"more conspiracy theories from President Trump--without any facts to back him up...."
Now,NNN is going the same route,by taking two cases of suicide by two blacks and trying to will them into lynchings--not only without facts,but IGNORING the facts that are known.
Feds to review investigations into two Black men found hanging in Southern California
(NBCNEWS)Officials said they don't suspect foul play in the apparent hanging deaths in Palmdale and Victorville.

Deaths of two Black men found hanging from trees spark investigations
June 16, 2020, 12:14 AM EDT
By Andrew Blankstein and Phil Helsel
LOS ANGELES — Federal law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, are reviewing investigations into the deaths of two Black men who were recently found hanging in Southern California.

Sheriff's officials have said there are no signs of foul play in the death of Robert Fuller last week in Palmdale, north of Los Angeles, or the death May 31 of Malcolm Harsch in Victorville, but investigations continue.

Fuller, 24, was found dead near Palmdale City Hall on Wednesday afternoon by a passerby, a sheriff's official has said, and his death was initially ruled an apparent suicide.

On Monday, Dr. Jonathan Lucas, chief medical examiner-coroner for Los Angeles County, said the cause and manner of death would not be determined until other evidence is in, including toxicology results.

"The initial reports appeared to be consistent with a suicide," Lucas said. "But we felt it prudent to roll that back and continue to look deeper."

Fuller's family has said he was not suicidal. "We just want to know the truth," his sister, Diamond Alexander, has said.

Weekend protests and rallies have called on officials to conduct a thorough investigation.
GRA:The family is getting an "independent",second opinion(Baden again?I think he'll tell you Martians killed your loved one,if that's what you want to hear).Lesta Holt is pushing this story hard.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist

Anonymous said...

These barbarians [and make no mistake that is what they are] not only want to control your body they want to control you mind. You must not only accept their domination of you but must give enthusiastic support for their domination of you. Totalitarians. And evil.

Anonymous said...

"--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist"

Don't just try to survive, thrive.