Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Black Supremacist Minnesota Criminal General Keith Ellison: We Must Build a Society, in Which Black and Brown Felons are Safe to Live Their Lives


The Japanese surrender aboard the USS Missouri, September 2, 1945

By Nicholas Stix

Ellison just gave his speech on upgrading the charges against Officer Derek Chauvin to Murder 2, and charging the other three officers present. He asserted that he and his lackeys had reviewed all relevant laws, but if that were true, he would have charged Chauvin, or any of the other three.

At Google.

He alternated between making up fake history, in which the death of George Floyd was the culmination of centuries of police racism, and denying this was any sort of historical reckoning. He clearly said that all of America's laws and practices must be torn up. But that won't help, and he didn't mean what he said. We already had adequate laws;. For Ellison, as with all black supremacists and racial socialists, the point is always to enforce the law radically differently, depending on one's race. There's no way to frame such laws such that they'll pass constitutional muster.

The scene to me evoked the Japanese surrender aboard the USS Missouri. Minnesota is lost.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If whites think blacks are being oppressed today,wait about 10 to 30 years(if that long)to see real oppression--this time,whites will be on the receiving end of a genocide--BY the blacks they allowed to take over without a fight.
Previews of the future are for all to see.Keith Ellison,Kim Foxx in Chicago,Emmett Sullivan in the Flynn case,are just three obvious examples of racism against whites and the covering up of crimes that blacks commit.JerryPDX has reported of a certain white judge who's easy on blacks in Portland--and there ARE whites,who are in on this scheme,to put an end to whites in the world--but they'll be murdered when their usefulness is no longer needed.