Thursday, June 18, 2020

America’s “Original Sin”

By Nicholas Stix

One of the favorite lies of the white genocide movement, which Republican Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima’s love t echo, is that slavery was America’s “original sin.”

But white Americans didn’t make blacks slaves; white Americans emancipated them. (White Englishmen, too.)

I have an Eastern European immigrant friend. He says people from where he was born and partially raised laugh at crybully American blacks’ complaint that their forbears were slaves. In Eastern Europe, just abut everyone is descended from slaves. Heck, it’s even in their name: “Slavs.” The name originally meant, “slaves.”

America has no "original sin."

No white need ever apologize to any black for “racism,” much less pay extortion. However, the fact of the matter is that whites have paid blacks tens of trillions of dollars in undeserved reparations, and continue to pay them. Or rather, America’s ruling elites have picked the pockets of law-abiding, taxpaying, white Americans since at least 1964, in order to pay extortion to black Americans, black immigrants, black illegal human beings, and blacks thousands of miles away, and in order to pauperize their class enemies, and wage class war on them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" In Eastern Europe, just abut everyone is descended from slaves. Heck, it’s even in their name: 'Slavs.' The name originally meant, 'slaves.'"

These arguments do not work with the negro. Their pea-sized low IQ brains the gears grinding away as they stop and think about things for a while just not able to process the data fast enough to reach a rational conclusion.