Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Wave of “Hate Crimes” against East Asians? No Matter How Badly the China Virus Pandemic Crisis Deepens, the New York Times and Its Leftwing Supporters Allies Will Never Let Go of Their Democidal Hatred; My New VDARE Exposé is Up!

By Nicholas Stix

“Russia Hoax, Impeachment Hoax Didn't Stop Trump, So NEW YORK TIMES Tries Anti-Asian Hate-Crimes Hoax.”

Imagine pulling off a Jussie Smollett-style hate hoax, but without needing a Smollett, and being able to project it onto the entire country?

I am speaking of the New York Times’ new hit hoax, in which white Donald Trump supporters who commit racist attacks on East Asians have been conjured up out of thin air.

On March 23, the Times published a “report,” by operatives Sabrina Tavernise and Richard A. Oppel Jr., “Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety. As bigots blame them for the coronavirus and President Trump labels it the ‘Chinese virus,’ many Chinese-Americans say they are terrified of what could come next.”

The “report” opens with the story of Yuanyuan Zhu, 26, who has only been in America for five years, encountering a pedestrian near her current home in San Francisco, who allegedly cursed her and spit on her face and sweater.

“‘That person didn’t look strange or angry or anything, you know?’ she said of her tormentor. ‘He just looked like a normal person.’”

What does a “normal person” look like?

The story had just told us,

“… she noticed that a man was shouting at her. He was yelling an expletive about China. Then a bus passed, she recalled, and he screamed after it, ‘Run them over.’”

“She tried to keep her distance, but when the light changed, she was stuck waiting with him at the crosswalk. She could feel him staring at her. And then, suddenly, she felt it: his saliva hitting her face and her favorite sweater.”

How does “a man” scream expletives about your country, call on a bus driver to run you down, stare daggers at you, and spit all over you, while “just look[ing] like a normal person”?

[Read the whole thing here.]


Anonymous said...

100% true writing N.S.--the complete opposite of MSM crap..

Anonymous said...

Well, it was San Fran Feako, wasn't it. Lots of strange and mentally disturbed persons in San Fran Freako. Just be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.

Anonymous said...

My wife is from Taiwan so she looks like a Chinese from Communist China--even though she despises commies. But she has not been subject to any animosity for looking Chinese. About 25 years ago a biker game us the finger--but there is no reason to think it was because of race. And maybe 15 years ago, a jerk at a gas station mimicked her accent. But she IS afraid of what would happen if she told people she voted for Trump and plans to do so again. So-called liberals (actually statists) have no tolerance for conservatives and Trump voters. And being a "minority" who is an American patriot and Trump supporter is even worse to these thugs.