Saturday, April 25, 2020

Female Prof Fears White Man Med Scientists

By "W"
Fri, Apr 24, 2020 9:58 p.m.

Horrors if a White guy discovers a Chinavirus vaccine:

"Female Prof Fears White Male Med Scientists."


Anonymous said...

Fears of white men creating medical or technological advances are pathetic--that train has left the station a long time ago. From Pasteur and rabies vaccination to Salk and the polio vaccination to the inventions of the light bulb, radio, telephone, airplane, television, transistor, computer, etc. White men created the modern world. Get over it and be thankful that Western Civilization saved you from a life that would be nasty, brutal, and short.

Anonymous said...

We really need to give all the non-whites something to--not necessarily be afraid of--but let's say,something to think about.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows about the mad whitey scientists kidnapping young negro men to steal their sexual organs for some sort of unnatural and hideous medical experiments. The colored have good reason to be wary.

Anonymous said...

"The colored have good reason to be wary."

The folks know all about this. The folks pass on the horror stories from one generation to another. The folks know what is what. Sure they do. The folks.