Wednesday, March 04, 2020

What If John Grisham were to Turn the Racist Hate Crime Madison Harris Murder into a Novel?

By David in TN
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 3:48:00 P.M. EST


A Quiet Little Murder in Mississippi
War crime victim Madison Harris

Maybe the murder of Madison Harris will get the A Time to Kill treatment.

In 1984, a black felon named Willie James Harris brutally raped two white girls (age 12 and 16) during a home invasion in Southhaven, Mississippi. A hack lawyer named John Grisham watched the trial and claimed to be “moved” by the testimony by the victims about the ordeal.

Grisham was so “moved,” he reversed the races and produced a novel with the above title, starting the process that made him a wealthy man: Brainless page-turners with white villains only, turned into films.

(Here is the appellate decision with an account of the crime.)

And get a load of this 2018 article in the Jackson Clarion-Ledger. They mention the real-life crime but don’t give the races of the victims and the perpetrator, respectively.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It can only be a mental condition(delusion and confusion)that these so called "artists"--which include authors,actors,producers and directors--suffer from.
They've been bombarded with liberal dogma from other Hollywood types for decades and now everyone in this relatively small community has been successfully brainwashed by "groupthink".They are so reluctant to admit that blacks do these large numbers of crimes,the author,Grisham,for example,I'm sure was in a state of denial and couldn't write a factual account,because of his biases.
Writing fiction is not just changing the races of the criminal and the perp--that's revisionism--and racist propaganda against your own race.
But Hollywood looks through negro tinted lenses at incidents like this--and when they do--they never see a guilty negro.