Wednesday, March 04, 2020

What if NNN was Like NSU?

[Re: “A Quiet, Little Murder in Mississippi.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 12:14:00 P.M. EST

What if NNN was Like NSU?

I think what Jim Goad was suggesting is that if this was a black girl, killed by whites, there would be mass hysterical news blasting by Holt, O’Donnell, Lemon, and the rest.

Instead, like the aftermath of Tessa Majors’ murder, once the first black was arrested and the narrative of two other blacks assisting was obvious, MSM put a muzzle on it.

Could anyone here imagine if NBC reported the news right off the NSU blogsite?

Good evening, I’m Lester Holt. Today in Dallas, four black gangbangers broke into an older white couple’s house, robbing them at gunpoint, before killing them. As our reporter ATR says, “this happens all the time now that blacks have filled, what was once law abiding white neighborhoods.”

Meanwhile, in Chicago and Baltimore, a total of 16 dead as blacks do what comes naturally—shoot and kill other blacks.

Today, a white person, driving in the Chicago ghetto to take a census survey, was brutally assaulted and killed. AOF, our reporter on this story, confirms the obvious lesson here: “If you’re white—and want to increase your odds of living another day—stay away from blacks”—God knows I do.

More coverup of black crime in Portland, as a black thug, who killed a white woman last week, is being defended by the shamelessly racist BLM as “a victim of circumstances.”

According to JerryPDX in Portland, Jackoffious Jones was arrested for butchering his white, 22-year-old acquaintance, Contessa Calloway, after the two had an argument about the fact that Jones needed more money from her—and she needed to get an extra two or three jobs.

A BLM spokesman said that Calloway used the “N” word against Jones—which permitted Jones to commit murder.

In New Jersey, RC lets us know that blacks killed and burned another white person today in Newark. Incompetent black police are investigating.

In Virginia, PGCE-P tells us that four black basketball players at a local college are being charged with a rape spree of white women that’s been occurring for weeks. A non-disclosure agreement was apparently in force for the first 35 women, but the 36th would not be silenced by money. The NAACP—whom we can't believe 99% of the time—called the charges, “racist.”

These are all the stories we have time for today—we could do 24 hours’ worth about black crime every day—there’s so much of it. For now, from all the reporters heard and not heard from today, I’m Lesta Holt, for Negro Nightly News, good night.

GRA: This would be news you could use.



Anonymous said...

My apologies to David in Tennessee--who writes 10 times more clearly than I do--for not including him in the roster of great reporters on here.It was not intentional.
But IF I were to try to duplicate David's expertise,we'd have to have:
Here's Lesta Holt.
"Thank you,a verdict in Tennessee has been reached in the trial of 5 black animals who committed atrocities against a white family,two years ago.Our expert,David in Tenn--who was AT the trial every day--says the 5 were found guilty of hate crimes and first degree murder--in addition to several other felonies.David reports that "justice was served in this case."
Let's put those black mugshots up on-screen so our national viewers can see WHO commits these heinous crimes against whites.
Thank you David for your efforts.
This is Lesta Holt--we now return you to your local programming."

David In TN said...



David In TN