Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Fwd: Olive Garden fires Indiana restaurant manager who provided a demanding white customer with 'a server who wasn't black' before the diner went on a rant saying that a black hostess should be working a STRIP CLUB

By R.C.
Wed, Mar 4, 2020 9:57 p.m.

Olive Garden fires Indiana restaurant manager who provided a demanding white customer with 'a server who wasn't black' before the diner went on a rant saying that a black hostess should be working a STRIP CLUB

R.C.: What's wrong with working in a strip club?


Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to,"the customer is always right"?
Why can't I pick a white waitress ,who is "on the ball",as opposed to a black with an attitude?
The customer probably knows the restaurant employees fairly well--maybe the blackie served this woman before--and that was enough to make her say,"NO THANKS--I want a white waitress."
From what I've seen,she probably had good reason to think that way.
"Whatchyou want today?I'll be back later."
30 minutes later,she saunters over.
I've seen it.


Anonymous said...

Correct. Waitress probably speaking unintelligible English and the patron angry. Repeating his order over and over and the waitress not able to comprehend or getting the order all wrong.