Thursday, March 05, 2020

Black-Run Harris County Ran Election Day Incompetently, but MSM Lie and Act as if Whites were to Blame, in "Disproportionately Affecting" Blacks and Browns

By A Texas Reader
Thu, Mar 5, 2020 8:21 p.m.

Harris County's cascade of election day fumbles disproportionately affected communities of color The last voters at Texas Southern University, a HBCU, ultimately spent nearly an entire workday waiting in line to cast their ballots, five hours after polls

"Harris County's cascade of election day fumbles disproportionately affected communities of color" |

The last voters at Texas Southern University, a HBCU, ultimately spent nearly an entire workday waiting in line to cast their ballots, five hours after polls closed.

ATR: Gee, why is this?

"A lot of peoples (sic) walked away."

N.S.: They insist on illegally discriminating against white workers, but then also insist on blaming whites when things go wrong.


Anonymous said...

Of course a precinct with blacks voting in it will get backed up--just for the fact that it takes them 5 times longer than whites to read the ballot!!!
Add to that the social hour aspect:
"Hey Esther,whatchyou been up to girl?"
"Same old,same old--gettin' laid and gettin' FAT!!!"
"HOOOOOYEAH!!!Me too!Look,it's Leticia bringin'her black azz in to vote--she can't even read as good as we does."
Whites are prepared and finish voting quickly,blacks look at a voting ballot like a high school test.
"Who does I vote fo'?Mick Bloom-somethin' or Joe Bi--den.Wasn't he Baracks guy?Esther,come here and help me."
How fast do blacks wait on you at a Burger King?THAT'S how long it takes for them to vote,Five hour backup seems about right.

Anonymous said...

"A lot of peoples (sic) walked away."

Pee-poes. Got to get it right. Feets gets you a moving.

Anonymous said...

I was going to post these observations,a couple days ago:
I see 3 of the remaining 5 candidates hired Obama (without his approval?)to narrarate their commercials.They all seem to indicate Obama is endorsing THEM.
Bloomberg,Warren and Biden--two days later,now just Biden.
"He's was the finest Vice President in history--and he's not done yet,"Obama chimes.
Really?I beg to differ.
I think these comments are being used in a fallacious manner.Obama does not endorse Biden--I haven't seen that.

Quick impression of Joe Biden at a campaign rally:
"Hello,my name is Joe...uhh,Joe...wait,don't tell me.How about a hint--first letter.B? Okay,it's Belushi.--whattaya mean,wrong?Banderas then,Brando,Bork,Bench,?Second letter..I?Bird,Bickle,Bixby--oh just tell me.
Joe Biden is not with it.
The debates should be a slaughter by Trump of Biden--IF they occur at all.