Friday, March 06, 2020

Is Turkey's Erdogan Threatening or Bluffing World War III with Europe? He Just Sent 1,000 Special Forces to EU Border to Prevent Rapefugee Return

By R.C.
Fri, Mar 6, 2020 8:36 a.m.

"Turkey Sends 1,000 Special Forces to EU Border to Prevent Migrant Return."


Anonymous said...

Trump should do the same thing:Escort the illegals out,make sure troops are at the border to deny their re-entrance.Europe may institute sanctions against Turkey,but Erdogan is right.
Eventually war will break out because this must stop.A slow motion,multi-pronged invasion of Europe and the US cannot be allowed to continue.Globalism must be ended.

Anonymous said...

He is causing a series of events that might result in WW III. Yes indeed. Combat with Russia will mean NATO nations will have to satisfy Article Five of the NATO charter. Come to the defense of Turkey.

Anonymous said...

Those refugees predominantly young men of military age, none of them appearing to be worse for wear and tear, fit it seems.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
A pack of Obama's sons in NY surround a teenage girl, beat her and steal her Air Jordan's & phone. Her face is blacked out so you can't see what her race is but there's no doubt about the race of her attackers. It's the usual suspects:
Note the tortured hand wringing public comments, while carefully not mentioning race, from the usual sniveling PR sock puppets.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Not sure if the video is working on the article I sent about the 15 yr. old girl being attacked by a gang of "teens", here is a YouTube video that works. Unfortunately, still can't find one that shows her face: