Friday, March 06, 2020

High-Level Embassy of Zimbabwe Diplomat Breaks into Home, Gets Diplomatic Immunity

By R.C.
Fri, Mar 6, 2020 8:34 a.m.

"High-Level Embassy of Zimbabwe Diplomat Breaks into Home, Gets Diplomatic Immunity."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw a couple minutes of ABC's "20/20" tonight and the first thing I noticed is that,since the last time I tuned in,is that it appears that Hugh Downs and Barbara Walters have been replaced;OR maybe they're on vacation;OR it's even possible,they've caught what tonight's program was focused on--CORONAVIRUS!!!

The title of the show was--"OUTBREAK"--and from what little I saw, this was a show designed to create panic and future news ratings.
This brings me to my main point:If this virus turns out to have a death rate of 3 to 5 percent--as many are suggesting--will it bring to the US a return to more conservative values?
I mentioned last year that I thought it would take a devastating war of some kind to break the hold of selfish liberalism that permeates our society.But a pandemic may do the job if it's severe enough.
I'm not hoping for widespread casualties of course,but just pointing out the possible after-effects of such an event.
Would abortion and the "white hating white" attitude we see currently,continue as behavior in a COVID-19 world ?
Would having more kids and standing up for your fellow Caucasians make a comeback--as the priorities of a stricken nation are challenged?
Funny how religion,family and the simple things of life start to re-emerge in times of crisis.This would be the first such event since 9/11--do you remember the days after 9/11--when people became polite for about a month?
Sometimes life throws a helluva curveball at the planet.We'll see if we can hit a curveball or not.