Friday, February 07, 2020

Fatal Amish Barn-Raising in Toronto: Rap Artist among Three Killed in Downtown Airbnb Friday; He Collaborated with Local Rapper Killed Recently in B.C.

By R.C.
Thu, Feb 6, 2020 10:08 p.m.

Toronto rap artist among three killed in downtown Airbnb Friday. He collaborated with a local rapper killed recently in B.C.

"Toronto rap artist among three killed in downtown Airbnb Friday. He collaborated with a local rapper killed recently in B.C." | The Star

One of the victims of last weekend's shooting at a downtown Airbnb was a Toronto rap artist who had appeared in music videos with another local rapper who was shot to death in B.C. in December.

R.C.: Say, do the Amish do this at barn raisings?

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