Monday, December 16, 2019

"Journalism is dying": US Govt "has its tentacles" in Every Part of Media, Reporter Who Quit over "suppressed" OPCW Story Warns

Sun, Dec 15, 2019 11:23 a.m.

"'Journalism is dying': US Govt 'has its tentacles' in Every Part of Media, Reporter Who Quit over 'suppressed' OPCW Story Warns" — RT World News

"Stories that challenge establishment narratives go unreported because the media has been co-opted by the US government, a former Newsweek reporter has alleged, after his editors blocked him from writing about recent OPCW leaks."


I've been saying this for years and was mau-maued for being a "conspiracy theorist."

Yet an insider admits as much.

"Operation Mockingbird" - Wikipedia

"Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.. According to writer Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a ..."

"Private Military Firm 'Craft International' at Boston Marathon"

The Craft: About Us

"'Craft International': Private Military Forces at Boston Marathon."

So, now you know why the State has gone after Infowars, World Net Daily, and other independent media outlets.

By the way, I used to deliver The Washington Post when I was in high school. The Post is definitely an arm of the State.

General Barry McCaffrey (Ret.) served for more than five years as the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy during the Clinton administration. Under his leadership, the ONDCP developed the U.S. National Drug Control Strategy. Gen. McCaffrey teaches international security studies at the United States Military Academy and is frequently sought out as an adviser on issues of national security. The highly decorated general also works as a military analyst for NBC News and MSNBC and writes a regular column for the Armed Forces Journal.

Isn't this wild?

Fleishman Hillard is the firm that bought Rob Allyn's old firm, Allyn & Associates.

Allyn is the parasite who got Vicente Fox elected.

Allyn is also the parasite who used to sit on the board of Ace Cash Express. Ace has earned millions, thanks to the remittances wetbacks have wired back to Mexico, Guatemala, and elsewhere. All of these remittances, by definition, come from illicit activities, as those who wire the funds are here illegally. Much of the remittances come from drug running here in Dallas and elsewhere.

Allyn is also George Bush's crony.

And how is it that the a--hole McCaffrey came to run the White House Office on National Drug Control Policy, much less sit on the board of Fleishman Hillard?

Isn't this like Al Capone running the Women's Christian Temperance Union?

Or should I ask this of Sec. of Defense Robert Gates?

"-------," my friends say, "you're nothing but a conspiracy nut."

It ain't a conspiracy, folks, if it's right out in the open.

McCaffrey and Allyn have made millions off open borders and illicit drug running.

Why haven't they both been lined up against a wall and shot?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Friends don't let friends get shot by a firing squad.