Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Texas Police Show Their Support of Armored Car Robber by Refusing to Describe Him

By A Texas Reader
Tue, Nov 19, 2019 10:13 p.m.

The suspect is described as a tall, slender person dressed in black

ATR: Pretty descriptive of the suspect.


N.S.: That means he's black. As "scappy koala" would say, When you don't tell us, you tell us.


Anonymous said...

All black outfit--mebbe he was in da nude.
Are police told by city bigwigs NOT to name race--or do these decisions come from mostly black police chiefs?Does the elimination of race in perp descriptions achieve anything?If these decision-makers are trying to fool whites OR blacks about the perp's ethnicity--they aren't--and the cops HAVE to be intelligent enough to know that--RIGHT?So why continually attempt to deceive the public with this method,when we know the code?I believe that thin people should protest to police about THAT being the only body description of the perp--they should sue--for lumping all thin people as possible suspects.Class action lawsuit and don't settle for less than 20 million.

Anonymous said...

A mane did it. A mane.