Friday, October 11, 2019

Junior's Murder: Remorseless to the End: Five Trinitarios Gang Members Flash Gun Signs with Their Cuffed Hands as They're Sentenced to Life Until Parole

By R.C.
Fri, Oct 11, 2019 8:14 p.m.

Remorseless to the end: Five Trinitarios gang members flash gun signs with their cuffed hands as they're sentenced to life for sickening machete murder of innocent "Junior" Guzman outside a Bronx bodega

N.S.: "[I]n a tragic case of mistaken identity.

PC garbage. You do not murder people due to "mistaken identity"!

"Lesandro 'Junior' Guzman-Feliz' murderers sentenced to LIFE" | Daily Mail Online

Five of the Trinitarios gang members who brutally stabbed Lesandro "Junior" Guzman to death in a tragic case of mistaken identity in The Bronx have been sentenced to life behind bars.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
One of Obama's sons? Shirtless "bipolar" homeless man walks up to a 6 yr. old boy in NY, picks him up and slams his head into the ground causing serious injuries:
First clue: No photo of the suspect anywhere to be found, 2nd clue, negro "reporter" quickly dispatched to the scene who is good at making concerned faces and sounds, 3rd clue...well, aren't 90% of these kind of crimes committed by negro's?

Suspect was described as having mental problems and stated he was bipolar when cops arrested him. Is that an excuse? Apparently he has the capacity to understand he did something wrong and his mental issues are some kind of defense. We'll see if they finally get a photo out of this POS, but they're going to wait until the initial hysteria has died down and most people will have lost interest in the story.

Anonymous said...

As usual the English tabloid media is needed to cover such a story.