Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Asst. Principal Accused of Sexually Abusing Teen Cries in Court

By "W"
Tue, Oct 8, 2019 2:30 p.m.

"Asst. Principal Accused of Sexually Abusing Teen Cries in Court" | PEOPLE.com

The absurdity of charging women with felonies for sex with 16 or 17 yr old males continues to baffle me....

N.S.: It's very important to completely sexualize education, promote sex, and hand out condoms and the pill like candy, and then railroad white women who have sex with their students, including white teachers whom their black students raped.

Black "educators" are also sleeping with students like crazy, but they seem to rarely land in prison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I'm glad you mentioned teachers of a certain race not being jailed for sex abuse in schools. We have the perfect example here in the progressive paradise of Portland: https://www.oregonlive.com/education/2019/02/judge-clears-criminal-record-of-mitch-whitehurst-ex-teacher-accused-of-decades-of-abuse.html
The story of Mitch Whitehurst began decades ago and the sordid coverups of his deeds and protection he received by administrators is astounding. Especially when you consider how many teachers have been immediately fired or even jailed for much less than he did. Basically, he was receiving diversity protection, there is no other explanation. In Portland, even more so than most other cities, there is a desperation to prove how "diverse" we really are and black crime excusers are more strident and fanatical about protecting black criminals than anywhere else (IMHO).
As a result a Whitehurst has free reign for decades just for being an "example of diversity".