Saturday, June 08, 2019

Black Dallas Police Chief: The Police Can’t Do Anything about Murders; They’re a “Society Issue”

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Everything and nothing is a “society issue.” If people in each institution do their duty, then things work as well as possible. If people in each institution refuse to do their duty, then things work as badly as possible.

The Dallas Morning News
Published on Jun 3, 2019
Dallas Police Chief U. Renee Hall comments on the number of homicides that have occurred in Dallas this year.


Anonymous said...

As I posted about Grand Rapids'increased murder rate this year(eight in 2019,compared to 9 all of last year),all eight murders have been black vics,killed by black suspects.
Societal problem?Our societal problems are caused by blacks mainly.If Grand Rapids could magically subtract the black population from living in our area--our murder rate would be zero.
In Chicago,murder is normal,Baltimore,normal,Detroit,Houston,Dallas--normal.Drug deaths,normal.I blame blacks and throw in Mexicans as the main reason we have "societal problems".
How do societies fix their problems?How will societies cure TODAY'S problem?THAT is the $64,000 question,isn't it?But one thing is for sure:a black police chief(or black politician)will not fix things the way it needs to be fixed.
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Back as it was fifty or sixty years ago. Society made them do it.

"But one thing is for sure:a black police chief(or black politician)will not fix things the way it needs to be fixed."

No more TRUER words ever spoken.

Anonymous said...

Not only do I have a black woman mayor, a large black man as chief of police and a large black man as sheriff the city council of 10 or 12 people, they are all black except one man who is White.
Here's a personal story. A black man pushed a 30 year old Honda, that he was driving, out in front of my sweet Ford Escape when that Honda lost all power and he decide that there was more room to leave it on south bound lane shoulder I was in than the north bound lane that his unregistered piece of crap that he was driving was in. It was at night and a sharp blind curve I was coming around, well within the 45 mile per hour speed limit. The Honda was brown and rust color I didn't see it until too late and t-boned that piece of crap. A black police officer covered the accident to make a long story short I went four days later to pick up the traffic report in my rented car and found out that the black cop and written up the accident report with a sketch drawn up that I hit that unregistered piece of crap in the back end bumper to bumper and my Escape had no front bumper, no escapes do. The whole report was a monumental lie. GIECO refused to fix my car because of that traffic report, when I talked to the black cop he said I should have stopped in time and for me to get a lawyer. This happened where I live at with all the blacks I mentioned in charge.

Anonymous said...

I only caught the last 2 minutes of "Face the (Communist)Nation" this morning--the show in which,commies come on to attack capitalism,whites,apple pie and hot dogs and capitalists show up to get attacked as racist gluttons of apple pie and hot dogs--but that two minutes was enough.
Margaret Brennan played a speech,by Ronald Reagan,from 30 years ago,that espoused unity between the US and its European allies--who fought side by side against Hitler.
Brennan opined(paraphrasing):"That speech was at a time when we were united with our allies.Now,the world order we created seems to be cracking.We disagree with countries,who are our friends and threaten tariffs against them."
If Obama or similar were president,we would not be in conflict with increasingly communist countries like Britain,Germany and France.Trump,it appears (and I say appears,because who knows what's REALLY going on),has a philosophical conflict with Europe and its immigration and socialist policies.
"But for one day(75th anniversary of D-Day),"said Brennan,"our disagreements were not noticeable."
SHE'S one of the globalists too.SHE'S critical of Trump fighting against where the US appears to be headed--toward a European type of government and Muslim population.
Back when Reagan made his speech in France,Thatcher was prime minister,France and Germany still had more Germans and French people than Muslims.We still had a large white population--and we could be united.
It only took 30 years to change that aspect--but Brennan conveniently left out WHY Trump is fighting with our allies(of course he's fighting a war with weapons that have very few bullets left to shoot with).
Sometimes you only have to watch two minutes to figure a show out.SHE'S one of them too.
--GR Anonymous

Pip said...

To paraphrase the 'chief:'
"Ain't nobody got time for that!"