Saturday, January 11, 2025

minneapolis police person Katie Blackwell perjured herself in Officer Derek Chauvin's trial; Katie Blackwell testified she “didn’t recognize” the restraint used on George Floyd and that it was not trained; but now, photos have surfaced of Blackwell herself using the very same restraint

Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 03:24:27 PM EST
Subject: It turns out that Katie Blackwell actually lied under oath. During the trial, Katie Blackwell testified she "didn't recognize" the restraint used on George Floyd and that it was not trained. But now, photos have surfaced of Blackwell herself using the ve

This scandal is really heating up, as more of Katie's fellow officers are now speaking out against her. The tables have turned… BREAKING: OFFICER WHO LIED UNDER OATH IN CHAUVIN CASE PICTURED USING SAME KNEE RESTRAINT TECHNIQUE IN 2014 RIOT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Chauvin gets some "Penny Justice"--Daniel Penny,that is. Then major civil lawsuit payback and some of these nig politicians out the door--and into the place they put Chauvin--prison.