Tuesday, January 14, 2025

MAGA, RIP; Now, it's miga: make india great again

By N.S.

MAGA, RIP; Now, it's miga: make india great again; Forget about Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswarmy's grab for "the new Einstein," and the world's 0.0001% most talented engineers: they want Einstein's 5,000,000 retarded grandchildren, and to completely freeze White Americans out of tech jobs

"A few numbers on h1b and the completely bogus 'cap'"



Anonymous said...

MAGA might still be in play--Make America Gullible Again--to get White people to believe anyone in government is looking out for its White citizens.

Funny how non-White countries are delighted to ship off their "best" to us. They must be in favor of "helping" "America" and seeing their own countries lag behind. What a concept of b.s.



Anonymous said...

As usual, I hate being an "Incessant Internet Commenter," but...
Been saying it all along- it's part of the deal T made to get re-elected ("Play along, or next time the bullet won't miss..."). A VP with an Indian wife and half-breed brood, a cabinet full of Indians ("Kash Patel!" THAT sounds like a villain out of Dick Tracy!), a big push for Rama-Smarmy (being groomed to run for Prez?), EE-Lon as shadow president... Yeah, let's seal the border and let the Dot-People take over! Personally, I'd prefer the Mexicans!
The whole concept of MAGA has always been insultingly stupid. Does anyone have any IDEA what it would take to "make America great again?" Forgetting about 100-year-old problems like the Fed Reserve, the IRS, the FBI, etc., which some people think are actually going to be removed, you'd have to undo EVERYTHING from circa 1963 onwards- the Civil Rights Act, the Immigration Bill, forced desegregation, the disembowelment of law enforcement, feminism, gay "rights," the "drug culture," (how about Make Drugs Illegal Again- with ENFORCEMENT?)... Plus curbing the Unions, fixing the schools (if the Internet is any indication, the average WHITE person is a sub-literate moron- and defiantly proud of it!), restoring dress codes and NOISE restrictions, using anti-trust laws to break up Corporate America, bringing manufacturing back to the USA, making pornography hard-to-get instead of available to anyone (including kids) at the push of a button, restoring the "social stigma" of being an unwed mother... Well, you get the idea.
Trump is for Trump, period. TDS works both ways- those who irrationally hate him, and those who irrationally idolize him. No one even thinks it was a big deal that he was just seen joking around with Obama- one of the most destructive figures in American History, and whom T let off the hook when first elected, publicly stating "Yeah, his birth certificate was real..."
Best title of a Spaghetti Western: "GOD FORGIVES, I DON'T."


Anonymous said...

One more thought, I think this sums things up neatly:
Biden and the Dems (and the globalists) are essentially nihilists (Communists); they want to destroy EVERYTHING, and have humans as slaves. Trump is a businessman, and really WANTS America to succeed, but on his own terms, and for his own aggrandizement. He is all for big biz, no matter how corrupt; he's said the Alphabet Companies are (something like) "the backbone of America," even though their values are evil. I don't believe he's ever uttered a word about helping to restore the stature of Small Business, which has been destroyed by government regulation and by the likes of Amazon and such.
So yes, T is "better" compared to the others. But we still lose in the end.


Anonymous said...

RM,I was HOPING that Trump--without having the "Sword of Re-election" hanging over his head,would do the things necessary(that can legally be done)to reverse just SOME of the crappola we've seen tsunamied on us the past 10 years. Believe it or not,#1 on my list:Get the (bleeping)blacks off all the commercials,tv shows,movies that are way beyond their 13% demographics. I saw an entire black family riding horses the other day in a pharmaceutical commercial(they do that in Chicago and Baltimore?) Wherever there's a White person,a black is sure to be close behind.
Trump could put the pressure on stopping the insanity of that advertising. I'll bet people sitting in small,mostly rural White cities look at this and wonder "what the hell is going on out there?"

I was hoping the overhiring of blacks on tv would be a fad which would be reversed. Unfortunately--no. It gets worse and worse.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm just feeling long-winded today- and it's too cold to go outside! SO-
I've said this before- you can't change the culture, but you're not stuck with it either- YOU don't have to watch that degrading garbage on TV! If you have the Internet, there are MILLIONS of old TV shows and movies of all kinds available to watch (and download), plus any kind of music you could want, all for free! THAT is the blessing of the 'Net, and it won't last forever- they WILL take all that stuff away eventually! (They'll probably come into people's homes and destroy anything old, like the firemen in FAHRENHEIT 451!)

I meant to post this link a while ago, when you posted that you liked the old cartoons:


It's EVERY WB cartoon ever made, including the censored ones! And this has already been taken down and reposted several times, so grab it now! It's a treasure to preserve for future generations, and will NEVER be released by the studio!


Anonymous said...

On youtube,you have to suffer through coon-mercials,nig-ads too,RM. Maybe more so. You can make them disappear after 10 seconds or so usually though--the only advantage.

Yes,it's cold here as well.


Anonymous said...

There are various extensions for blocking YouTube ads. The one I have works on-and-off. I can't stand the ads either!

Easiest solution, download the videos. This works:


Also, Internet Archive (archive.org) doesn't have ads! They only have about 500 million (negro-free) videos you could be watching!

Then there's ok.ru, which sometimes has its own problems, but is worthwhile if you have the patience. I downloaded DEADLINE AT DAWN from there!

I'm not a "tech" person, but I'm hep to the various ways of downloading, burning discs, blocking ads, etc. Always glad to give advice on same.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the options,RM. Still,Trump should make a suggestion or two about the plethora of blacks on regular AND alternative tv


Anonymous said...

I actually sent a lengthy comment about that as well, but maybe I overtaxed the system today- it didn't get posted! Perhaps NS will find it-