Monday, June 17, 2024

Yet another racist attack on Caitlin Clark?!


Anonymous said...

Some negress ape is going to do a "Rudy T" on her.They probably have an informal contract out on her--make her retire due to injury(head hitting the floor causing blood clots).


jeigheff said...

You could be right, GRA, especially since Caitlin's attackers know they won't face any real consequences for injuring her.

jeigheff said...

I admire Caitlin Clark's bravery, but I pray she survives her time in the WNBA. GRA just might be right.

Anonymous said...

That is what it is. An informal agreement among themselves to injure her enough times until she sustains an injury that makes her retire prematurely. Two or three years at the most she has. If that.