Thursday, June 13, 2024

The President drops bombshell proposal, suggesting eliminating income tax in favor of high import tariffs during DC republicans meeting

By N.S.

"Trump drops bombshell proposal: allegedly suggests eliminating income tax in favor of high import tariffs during DC republicans meeting"

I guess now, we'll have to preface every news report with "allegedly."


Anonymous said...

Not good for seniors--of which there's a lot.
Not good for EBT types--of which there's enough.

Must be he's in favor of repossessions and evictions,lol.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the President has been getting some good advice. Read "Free Trade Doesn't Work" by Ian Fletcher. Alexander Hamilton understood--but since that time we seem to be under the spell of free traders--that is why so much of our industry has gone overseas. So much high tech has gone overseas that it would be impossible to make it in the US anymore. And with overseas manufacturing comes overseas invention and innovation. We are on the path to being a banana republic--a country of agriculture and low-paying service jobs. Read Fletcher's book and see the light. Even our military is dependent on Chinese imports. Our drug supply comes from China and India. If a war breaks out we are in big trouble.

Anonymous said...

Never going to happen. Too good the Golden Goose income tax, sales tax, inheritance tax, luxury tax, etc.

Too good for the social welfare state.