Sunday, June 09, 2024

"Lindsey Graham admits U.S. must take over the ukraine to control its resources worth trillions"

By R.C.
sunday, june 9, 2024 at 09:11:56 p.m. edt

"Lindsey Graham admits U.S. must take over the ukraine to control its resources worth trillions"

Like I said….


Anonymous said...

That won't happen.However,the cockroaches left over--after the nukes are dropped--will split those resources 50/50.


Anonymous said...

How about we give the RINO breeding ground of South Carolina to Zelenskyy and appoint Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley as King and Queen of the new independent nation of Ukrainolina? And yes, some Prince position for Dread Dim Scott to pander to the Kiev black vote. A lot of decent people in SC but you need to stop elevating these clowns. Yes, Georgia's RINO problem is worse, but at least we can explain those two obamunist Senators by election rigging.

Anonymous said...

As if in the USA we do not have tremendous amounts of resources for the taking.