Monday, June 17, 2024

being born bad: the "evils of Whiteness"

By Merlin
monday, june 17, 2024 at 10:54:41 a.m. edt

being born bad: the "evils of Whiteness"

the smithsonian on the evils of "Whiteness"

the "evils of Whiteness"

"yet another element of the secular religion"

JUN 17
"since conservative organizations aren't engaged in a well-coordinated response to the left's mendaciousness, it signals the left that they can get away with pushing the boundaries even further. like a child testing the resolve of their parents, this will continue until they get appropriate resistance, or they succeed in attaining their goals.
"for a while now their target has been America. since they can't (yet) take that on directly, the left's strategy has been to undermine its pillars (Science, Family, Religion, Freedoms, etc.). In arguably their boldest attack to date, they have been repeatedly proclaiming the incivility and criminality of being white.
"most White people think that this friction is just about racial differences — but they could not be more wrong. racial inequalities, real or imagined, are just a spark to ignite an explosion, to blow up their much bigger target: America.
"simply look at what the leftists (e.g., here) are identifying as evil characteristics of being White, and see how few actually have anything to do with racial injustices. Remember, everything on this list is characterized as being BAD:

The Scientific Method

Objective, rational linear thinking

Quantitative emphasis

Independence and autonomy


Must "do something" about a problematic situation

When taking action, intent counts

Majority rules

Justice based on English common law

Property protection

Respect for authority

Rules for communication are based on the "King's English"

Avoid conflict

Be polite

Holidays based on Christian religions

Primacy of Judeo–Christian traditions

No tolerance for deviation from the single-god concept

Hard work is the key to success (Protestant work ethic #1)

Work before play (Protestant work ethic #2)

Adherence to time schedules

Plan for future

Delayed gratification

Tomorrow will be better

Having a written tradition

A nuclear family (father, mother, 2.3 children is the ideal social unit)

Children should have their own rooms, be independent

Again, we are being advised to discard ALL of the above, simply because they are supposedly "White norms," that non-Whites have been "oppressed" into following.


Anonymous said...

"Since Conservative organizations aren’t engaged in a well-coordinated response to the Left’s mendaciousness, it signals the Left that they can get away with pushing the boundaries even further. Like a child testing the resolve of their parents, this will continue until they get appropriate resistance, or they succeed in attaining their goals."

GRA: I've said that for years now--"well-coordinated response" i.e."Whites need to organize on a mass scale."

Who is able to begin the process,is the question.Can you imagine the outrage on TV if a grassroots,pro-White movement took off?I can(satisfied smile).


Anonymous said...

Those horrible characteristics of White people are all the reasons that White society works--and the lack of them is the reason that black society (and other turd world societies) DON'T work.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


(ZH)US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has said that authorization for Ukrainian use of American weapons for cross-border attacks extends not just to the Kharkiv region, but into other Russian regions as well, further escalating Biden's initial greenlight for such offensive operations.

Blinken in a Monday PBS interview told NewsHour's Nick Schifrin "This is not about geography, it's about common sense" and expanded the parameters for using NATO-supplied missiles. Watch the exchange below:

The following is what was said in this opening section of the interview:

Schifrin: Does the agreement that you have made with Ukraine to allow Ukraine to fire American weapons just over the border into Russia at Russian forces that are about to attack into Ukraine, does that extend beyond the Kharkiv region, including into the Sumy region, where Russian forces have also been targeting Ukraine?

Sullivan: It extends to anywhere that Russian forces are coming across the border from the Russian side to the Ukrainian side to try to take additional Ukrainian territory.

Schifrin: So, that could include the Sumy region?

Sullivan: That's happened in Kharkiv.

We have seen initial indications that Russia has made exploratory moves across in Sumy. And so it would apply there as well. This is not about geography. It's about common sense. If Russia is attacking or about to attack from its territory into Ukraine, it only makes sense to allow Ukraine to hit back against the forces that are hitting it from across the border.

That's when the interviewer pointed out the obvious--that this policy will lead to open-ended and uncontrollable escalation given it takes away all parameters. "Of course, Russia is attacking Ukraine from all parts of Russia. Why draw the line there?" Schifrin asked.

Sullivan at this point essentially gave Kiev the greenlight to attack a much more expanded area inside Russia. "Well, first, we are permitting Ukrainian forces to attack Russian forces using Russia as a sanctuary in the areas where on the battlefield they are attacking from inside Russia with artillery, with other ground-based munitions," Biden's top security official said.

And what's more is that when asked about F-16s, Sullivan affirmed that Ukraine can use the US-made jets to attack Russia.

GRA:Can you spell e-s-c-a-l-a-t-e?


Anonymous said...


GRA:I knew he was far left maniac,but the following story,from years ago,shows everyone how nuts he was--and Helen Mirren too.

(Hollywood com)Donald Sutherland is more “ashamed” than ever to be a white man in America following Donald Trump’s election as the 45th President of the U.S.
The left-wing The Hunger Games star admits he is appalled by the fact so many people voted for the Republican despite him causing offence to women, disabled people, Latinos, and Muslims, among others, throughout his election campaign and through his conservative policies.

Sutherland, who was born in Canada but lives in the U.S., only really realised how much of an advantage his race and sex is in today’s society after his The Leisure Seeker co-star Helen Mirren pointed it out to him in the middle of filming.

“Helen Mirren came up to me on the set and… she said, ‘You are the most privileged person on earth…,'” he recalled on U.S. breakfast show Today. “I said, ‘How can you say that?’ And she said, ‘You are a white male.'”
Sutherland was left speechless by the remark, and it really got him thinking about the world the women in his life will grow up in, now Trump is set to take charge of the White House.

“There’s no reply. I was ashamed. I was stunned,” he admitted. “And I have gotten more ashamed (since Trump’s election). It’s interesting to realise that you are seen as an integral part of a group that many of whom are mendacious, misogynist, bigots, racists, and it’s appalling.”

Sutherland, 81, believes the future looks bleak under Trump’s presidency, particularly for women, and he can only do his best to help his loved ones smile through the tough time.

GRA:Trump's presidency was not "bleak"--compare it to biden's term--with the biden backed mex invasion,war everywhere,crime out of control and a deficit that will bring this country down.

Are Mirren and Sutherland,in a backhanded way,
saying Whites are smarter than blacks and mex,but just feel guilty about it?

Why would they?It's the way it is.