Saturday, May 18, 2024

"‘poster boy’ migrant imprisoned after beating and raping his own mother"

saturday, may 18, 2024 at 09:25:42 p.m. edt

"‘poster boy’ migrant imprisoned after beating and raping his own mother"

Why is everyone upset?

Sounds like a win-win to me.


Anonymous said...

Probably how he was conceived.


Anonymous said...

Hey, remember: "family values don't stop at the Rio Grande." Yup, another one of those "good-hearted" folks.

AbolishTenure said...

an article in 2017...described Lohombo as “a charming, friendly young man who enthusiastically shows pictures of his bull terrier dog Betty on his cell phone.”
Inspired by the Rolling Stone journo genius who fawned over the "tousle-haired" Boston Marathon bomber.

...returned to an apartment he shared with his mother, who is only 12 years older than him... and... Fill in your own Macron joke.