Monday, December 18, 2023

Whom Do Lachlan Murdoch and Keith Poole Have Working at the post?

By N.S.

In the post "thing" I just linked to, operative Rikki Schlott and her editors said that many applicants who had been accepted to Harvard have opted to try and get in to other overpriced private universities (OPUs). However, Schlott and her editors inssist on referring to the gaza strip as "palestine." There is no palestine, and if were one, that would be Israel. People speak of "palestine," because they support creating an arab moslem terrorist state. When Rupert Murdoch ran the post years ago, he did not support the creation of a terror-state next to Israel.

"demonstrators at Harvard have rallied in favor of palestine in the wake of the october 7th attacks." (Israel has not occupied the gaza strip in many years. However, since it is Israeli land, it should have long ago evicted the arab terrorists living there into an arab country, say, jordan.)

"But one particular client’s family wasn’t celebrating [their sexless child getting accepted to Harvard]. instead of taking their offer from Harvard, the student is now scrambling to send applications to the remaining lvy league schools, Stanford, mit, and Emory."

Stanford, mit, and Emory are not ivy league schools. The ivy league consists of eight schools: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Penn, Cornell, Brown and Dartmouth.

Note, too, that neither the applicants nor the post talks about Harvard's other scandals regarding president Claudine Gay's serial plagiarism and cover-ups. You can complain about anti-Semitism and the consequences from it, in terms of Jewish businessmen refusing to hire Harvard grads, but not black corruption.

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