Wednesday, December 13, 2023

White attorney of convicted Houston war criminal demands free hate crime murder, pounds table, screams at prosecutor, charges vic with being guilty of his own murder, and pluralizes his client (Pix and Videos!)

War crime victim Kevin Kirk and family

By N.S.

Note that the thuggiest atv riders are the usual suspects

prosecutor Chandler Raine

[Today.] "HOUSTON — the jury deciding the fate of Lazarius Harper, who was convicted of manslaughter monday in the 2021 road rage shooting death of Kevin Kirk, has gone home for the day without reaching a decision on his sentence."...

[N.S.: Note how "road rage murder" has become a euphemism for war crime.]

"Harper was out on bond for evading arrest when it happened.

"'today is not the day to compromise, today is not the day to meet in the middle, today is not the day to negotiate,' prosecutor Chandler Raine told the jury. 'the last time that Lazarius Harper was allowed to be given rules and say you get to go be in the rest of the community, you get to go be in the rest of society, you get to go be out on bond, was one month before he killed Kevin Kirk.

"prosecutors want the maximum punishment of 20 years.

"but defense attorneys say that Kirk intentionally ran into Harper before he shot him and they asked for probation.

"'Don't fall trap [sic] to those emotional pleas, that's all they are. only one person is going be affected by your decision today and that's Lazarius,' defense attorney Maverick Ray said."

gang lawyer Maverick Ray in the middle

gang lawyer Maverick Ray

[People who, according to Maverick Ray, will not be affected by the jury's decision: the widow Kirk and her children, and all of the victims Lazarius Harper will violate outside and inside of prison.]

"tempers flare over testimony tuesday"

"things got heated on tuesday when Ray shouted at prosecutors in a Houston courtroom on tuesday [sic] was [sic] reprimanded by the very [sic] angry judge.

[N.S.: The writer of the foregoing sentence, and his editor, are guilty of repetitiousness, missing punctuation, and hyperbole.]

"the attorneys had a sidebar with the judge after prosecutors mentioned that the defendant was in a gang, citing his own social media.

"Harper's attorney was animated and throwing his arms up before he slammed his fists down and screamed at the prosecutor.

"'why? Why didn't you ask them [?] the truth first?" he said.

[N.S.: Maverick Ray is a White pronouns man. When he said "them," he was referring to his individual black client. He was demanding that his client be given the opportunity to perjure himself.]

"the judge quickly had the jurors removed from the courtroom and then he blasted the attorney"

"jury deliberations continue in sentence of man who shot, killed Houston man picking up dinner for his family

"police said Kevin Kirk was shot and killed in 2021 after atvs surrounded his vehicle and tried to pull him out. Lazarius Harper was convicted of manslaughter."

[N.S.: It sounds like Lazarius Harper's fellow gang members all got a free war crime.]

"tempers flare in courtroom during sentencing of man who killed Houston dad on Westheimer"

mug shot of war criminal Lazarious Harper, who was only charged and convicted of manslaughter, when he was guilty of hate crime felony murder (by the way, "Lazarious" is not one of those black names that GRA makes up; it's his real name!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do nogs come up with "Lazarious"?"Retardious" I will offer to them free of charge.