Friday, December 15, 2023

was that the President speaking? chicago naacp negress has it right about mex illegal aliens—she’s being pressured to resign from her post

[“non-profits aide illegals.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, december 15, 2023 at 9:06:00 p.m. est

“(zh) ever since the Biden administration began bussing thousands of migrants to chicago, the city’s black community has been less-than enthusiastic about their new neighbors.

“savages, rapists, burglars”

“in today’s episode of the left eating its own – meet chicago naacp president Teresa Haley, who took things one step further in a leaked zoom call from october, in which she likened immigrants to ‘savages, rapists and burglars.

“but these immigrants [sic] come over here, they’ve been rapin’ people. they’ve been breaking into homes. they’re like savages as well. they don’t speak the language, and they look at us like we’re crazy because we were the only people in America who were brought over here against our will, and were slaves.

“‘I’ tryin’ not to be a ni**a but you know I’m pro-black, so, it’s all about us, people. naacp - what do those letters mean to you?

[N.S.: But if anyone posts fliers saying, “It’s o.k. to be White,” the police seek to find and arrest the poster, even though he didn’t break any laws.]

“springfield, peoria, bloomington, kankakee, just get ready if you declared yourself to be a safe haven or a safe place for immigrants [sic] to come, because they are shopping around, and the busloads are coming,’ she said during a different segment of the tape.

“‘black people have been on the streets forever and ever, and nobody cares,’ while the government is rushing to provide housing and other services to immigrants, she said.

“Haley’s comments drew harsh rebuke from Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

“‘reprehensible remarks, I would hope that she would apologize for the remarks. I also think that people should recognize that immigrants [sic] to this country are all around us,’ he said.

“Haley did apologize - but then after she was tracked down on vacation in dubai by chicago abc station wls-tv, she suggested it was a deepfake, saying ‘with ai, anything is possible.’”

GRA: She’s right, of course. The article also says “immigrants” (invaders) can receive $9000 a year for housing.

chicago is now a black vs. mex city, Whites have no dog in this fight. Prickster (Pritzker) is brainless in his comments. people of all races are being told to accept the invasion and shut up.

I find that both curious and infuriating.


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