Monday, December 18, 2023

The reelz channel is showing the Geraldo Rivera show episode on the racist, Karen Grammer kidnapping-rape-murder on wednesday morning, december 20, at 10 a.m. ET


War crime victim Karen Grammer

[“Geraldo Rivera is Devoting an Episode of His True Crime Show to the 1975 Racist, Knoxville Horror-Style, Kidnapping-Murder-Rape of Kelsey Grammer's Sister, Karen.”]

By David in TN

monday, december 18, 2023 at 7:52:00 p.m. est

The reelz channel is showing the Geraldo Rivera show episode on the Karen Grammer murder on wednesday morning, december 20, at 10 a.m. ET. Set your dvr.

Our friend David Cole, in his Taki’s magazine article of last week, wrote about Kelsey Grammer and the murder of both his father and sister by black racial killers. Of Karen’s murder, David Cole wrote:

“About six years later, Grammer’s sister was slaughtered in colorado by three black men who had planned to rob a local red lobster. Grammer’s sister was waiting outside the restaurant for her boyfriend, who worked the nightshift, to close up. Upon seeing a white woman standing alone in the parking lot, the Nairobi trio changed plans: no robbery. Instead, they kidnapped her, raped and tortured her for a full night, then drove her to a trash-filled alley and slit her throat.”

David In TN: How often have we seen this scenario? A White woman alone at night, spotted by black predators, who on the spur of the moment decide to rape and kill her.

There’s much more in Cole’s lengthy article. He notes “conservatives” like Ben Shapiro who claim they want to make movies that would “change the culture” would never make one on the 2000 Wichita Massacre.

Cole wrote: “and you know what? you’ll have a film that might not ‘change the culture,’ but it might save lives. put that incident in the faces of Whites. show them the 100 percent true story, a story that mirrors thousands of other true stories. show that compliance meant death. begging for mercy meant death. just as jaws kept people from the beach (for silly reasons), maybe this film could influence White actions...for NOT silly reasons.”

“do THAT film, Boering-Shapiro.”

“yeah...that’ll be the day. cowards.”


War criminals Michael Corbett (above) and Freddie Lee Glenn (below)


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Spencer Grammar, one of Kelsey's daughters, was slashed in the hand by a knife wielding negro in NY:

The injury required substantial rehab and she lost the use of her hand for a while but did recover. Her friend was stabbed in the back but wasn't seriously injured. There is a grainy photo of the negro attacker but from what I've read, they never caught the guy. Imagine if Grammar's daughter had been killed, then he would have lost his father, sister and daughter to violent racist groids. He has never said anything about race, as far as I know anyways, but if he lost his daughter, I have to wonder if that would have pushed him over the edge.

Anonymous said...

I do detect conservative leanings in his interviews,but if you don't become a White sheet wearing KKK'er after your family is destroyed by blacks,a part of you must have just gone off the so called "deep end".


David In TN said...


On that subject, David Cole writes: "Still, it's Grammer's right, his choice alone, how he presents his past." Grammer has been long known as a conservative in Hollywood.

Cole also wrote about the left-wing actress-producer Fran Drescher having a bad experience with black criminals (see the article).

Cole wrote: "Circling back (right?) to Kelsey Grammer, it can be argued that if he has bias
regarding his history with blacks, it's shown itself in the mostly white casting choices of his shows (interestingly, Drescher's as well). But outwardly, Grammer's conservatism is very Christian, very 'we all bleed red.'"

"Again, that's his right."

If Kelsey Grammer made anything publicly about his family members being murdered by blacks, he would probably find himself shut out of acting jobs.

Anonymous said...

A variation of "Don't ask,don't tell".If you or a family member gets attacked by blacks,you can't mention it or get Whitelisted in Hollywood.
