Saturday, December 09, 2023

"professor: asking black students to write using standard english is 'anti-black linguistic racism'"

By A Texas Reader
saturday, december 9, 2023 at 09:55:41 p.m.

"professor: asking black students to write using standard english is 'anti-black linguistic racism'"

N.S.: From 1995-1997, I wrote a series of exposes of so-called ebonics, in Chronicles, Insight on the News, and Liberty magazine, and discussed all of these issues. Thomas Sowell read my Chronicles expose, and had one of his Ph.D. researchers, a White lady of a certain age, write me for one of my sources. We then spoke on the phone. My source, regarding the racist violence in the D.C. college, was an encyclopedic, annual review put out by the Carnegie Endowment for Education. It was the “most thorough” exposé of ebonics ever written, according to my Liberty editor, who a few years later ordered me to cease and desist from quoting him by name, as he was changing professions.

At the time, tenured black supremacists and their White allies discussed and attacked my articles, the black supremacists citing me by namke, while the Whites refused to.

See also:

“black English”;

“Ebonics and the Betrayal of Black Children”;

“Ebonics: The Language of Hate”;


Anonymous said...

So Whitey is supposed to figure out what the hell blacks are saying and writing,but blacks get a pass on the reverse?



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx

“I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!” said a male African migrant after crossing the border in Arizona with another person.

This is a followup to my previous comment re Foxnews actually reporting on the mass invasion of "military aged males" at the border. I was surprised when Fox did that but am downright amazed that MSN has a feature on it also. Is this a sign that the rest of the MSM might actually start to address the wildly skewed gender ratio of single young males crossing our borders?

Anonymous said...


GRA:And whose fault is it,that "America" looks the way it does?Right on your head McNothing.

(ZH)A clip of an Oct. 28 address given at Oxford University in the UK has gone viral (oddly, or not, within a day of the former speaker's endorsement of Donald Trump), in which the former speaker sings the praises of the Democratic party, while slamming Republicans just three weeks after his ouster as House Speaker.

"When you look at the Democrats, they actually look like America. When I look at my party, we look like the most restrictive country club in America," McCarthy said to laughter and applause.

GRA:All spics,nigs and towelheads in the crowd,I assume.


Anonymous said...

Even nnn has a story once a year about black crime,Jerry.

It's their obligatory quota system that suggests they print one story a year that isn't black ass kissing.

But that's it.


Anonymous said...

Not just write standard English but lack an ability to WRITE period. And don't even mention cursive.