Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The racial profiling of asians?! politically convenient charge against facial recognition tech: "the system was more likely to generate false positives in predominantly black and asian communities"

By R.C.
wednesday, december 20, 2023 at 09:20:15 p.m. est

"further, the system was more likely to generate false positives in predominantly black and asian communities"

Even ai exhibits White privilege.


Anonymous said...

Take this device to China--Beijing.See if it can tell the difference between the billions of Chinamen over there--then--and only then-- use it here.

Otherwise,no dice.


Anonymous said...

What do queers and Budlight have in common?

They both believe in the phrase,"bottom's up."


Anonymous said...

And it seems the computer program for this say AI was not rigged in any manner. It was seeing what was, and nothing more than that.