Sunday, December 17, 2023

exclusive: nyc councilwoman-elect admits to quietly using ai to communicate with the public, answer media questions

By N.S.

"nyc councilwoman-elect Susan Zhuang admits to quietly using ai to communicate with the public, answer media questions

"a brooklyn democrat who will be sworn into the city council in january has been quietly using artificial intelligence to communicate with the public, the post has learned."

“When asked, 'What makes someone a new yorker?' Zhaung sent back a 101-word response that began with, 'new york city, the concrete jungle where dreams come true. it’s not just a place, it’s a state of mind. being a new yorker means having an unstoppable hustle, unbreakable resilience and unrivaled independence.' …”

So, with automation eliminating much of manual labor, the pc destruction of thought and the english language, and pc-programmed chatgbt and other ai "progress" making pr flacks and "journalists" unnecessary, we have about 400 million people, but have use for about 100 million people. Meanwhile, dnc propagandist Matthew Yglesias asserts that we need one billion people. And the point of immigration is what? The White Holocaust!

Chilli Palmer
1 day ago

"when contracted for an explanation, she responded...'I'm currently down for maintenance, sorry, please submit your inquiry at a later date'."

Chocolate Cake

20 hours ago

"to be fair, she did blame her staff, so she is a legitimate nyc politician."

N.S.: Who's the post kidding? It uses an ai Gauleiter to censor reader comments!

Susan Zhuang: "NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her personality is AI.If a trend like this develops,everything you read and listen to will be computer created and not real.

Just the way commies like it--or aliens