Sunday, October 08, 2023

Kylie Jenner supported Israel, but her followers are nazis, so she recanted

By N.S.

"Kylie Jenner deletes instagram post supporting Israel after backlash

"'Someone ask Kylie Jenner to point to Israel on the map,' one x user declared."


Anonymous said...

"her followers are nazis"

To someone with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

Yes, Kylie Jenner, who fucks niggers, has a lot of "Nazi" followers, no doubt about it.

Israel kills Palestinians all the time, but no one knows (or cares) about it because Western media ignores/doesn't report on it. Per the UN, by August more than 200 in 2023:

Israel has humiliated Palestinians for decades via the creeping creation of Greater Israel. They have never been a serious "peace" partner. Remember when Merkel et al said the Minsk peace process was more or less a sham, and used to buy time so that the West could arm Ukraine? Kinda the same thing with the Mideast peace process. Nothing but constant militarization and territorial expansion by Israel. More and more settlements. The peace process was used to "create facts on the ground".

But don't worry. All of Kylie Jenner's "Nazi" followers are bound to be disappointed because Hamas cannot match Israeli firepower, so the IDF will prevail militarily. For all the good that will do.

Hmm, nothing on Vdare since Sep 2022. Wonder why?


I guess Brimelow needs the money to pay for his castle. And who knows? He may need to sue someone again for calling him a White Nationalist.

Anonymous said...

shame on kylie jenner.

the kardashians (called the kartrashians by an envious disrespectful internet rabble) are known as a family with high moral principles. the highest really. none higher.

so she has to hold up the family reputation. doesn't she know that? how could she not know that?

Anonymous said...

Always cave in to the internet or you will be Rosanne Barred.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Israel does indeed kill a lot of Palestinians. The Palestinians are one of the most religiously homogenous ethnic groups in the world with over 90% being followers of Islam. Right now there are numerous conflicts, mostly in Africa and Asia, where Islamic zealots are using force to expand their religious influence. OK, you might argue about what those conflicts are all about but the Islamic religion is a commonality that can be disputed. There are no current wars where Christians are trying to expand using military force. Not to mention the intra religious violence being directed toward Christians by Islamic zealots in Muslim countries, in which many Christians are murdered by Islamic killers.

Woke history uses the Crusades as an example of Western aggression toward the Islamic world but ignores the longer and more sordid history of Islamic conquest and imperialism.

Islam is trying to expand it's influence by using lax Western immigration laws to send millions of high birthrate Muslims to low birthrate White 1st world countries with the deliberate intent of changing the racial and religious demographics to favor their ideology. Just wait until they attain majority status and true political power in the West, I don't even want to think how many White westerners will be beheaded for breaking sharia law.

Don't tell me that only moderate Muslims escaping the hard liners are the ones that come to the West. Not that many might be "moderate", maybe they are but when push comes to shove and the hardliners start gaining control, whose side do you think they'll be on?

I'll never feel sorry for any Muslims, they are the single most dangerous force against Whites in the world today...except maybe for liberal Whites, who are complicit with them.

So I say to Israel, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...


Noa Argamani, a 25-year-old China-born Israeli student, was kidnapped from a music festival in Israel when Hamas terrorists attacked civilians with full force.

GRA:Gorgeous.In this case,not a good thing to be that hot.She will be raped to death.


Anonymous said...

Hard-core Muslims want to kill non-Muslims. Moderate Muslims want to watch the hard-core Muslims kill non-Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Noa Argamani.


Anonymous said...

Kylie used to be Bruce?

Nicholas said...

By Anonymous
monday, october 9, 2023 at 9:27:00 p.m. edt

"Kylie used to be Bruce?"

No; Bruce is her father!