Sunday, October 08, 2023

"democratic socialists of America cheer murder and kidnapping of Israelis at hands of hamas terrorists"

By N.S.

democratic socialists of America cheer murder and kidnapping of Israelis at hands of hamas terrorists


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Biden's war against Whites is quietly being waged in the federal judiciary: "68% of the 68 federal judges nominated by Biden and confirmed by the Senate are Black, Hispanic or Asian American, and just three are White men"

It's not just Biden, the traitorous White hating Senate is complicit with him by confirming these nominees.

By contrast 16% of the judges installed on the federal bench by former President Donald Trump are non-white (still too many), according to the organization's 2022 Profile of the Legal Profession.

How long before non Whites achieve majority as federal judges in this country? Bad enough it's already infested with so many non White racist affirmative action judges and woke White ones, imagine how difficult it will be for Whites to get a fair shake in court when there are few, or zero, non self hating Whites ones even left.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Socialists = Communist party renamed.

Anonymous said...

I caught a little bit of "Face the(Commie)Nation" and couldn't get a feel of cbs' viewpoint via Margaret Brennan's questions,except they quoted Biden as saying,"We support Iran,Iraq,no wait--Israel."

I'm joking about that last quote--he never mentioned Israel.

Joking again.Who cares what Biden says?


Anonymous said...

Jerry,that's great info.They have to get black judges in place before black police chiefs and black das start putting Whites in front of them to receive Chauvin type prison sentences for nothing.That must be the plan.Otherwise,why would you put a nig*er in charge of deciding justice for either Whites OR blacks ?You know they'll go easy on the brothas.
Easy--hell--they'll let them go free completely.


Anonymous said...

I've also read that 94% of corporate hires are now minorities.