Tuesday, September 19, 2023

hoax, or true? raceless "thing" records herself assaulting and harassing random White People, gets sent to the emergency room after "karma" throws a brick at her

tuesday, september 19, 2023 at 07:37:35 p.m. edt

records herself assaulting and harassing random White People gets sent to the emergency room after "karma" throws a brick at her.


You might be a democrat....

N.S.: Hoax? How often does scum like her get to experience karma? We can only hope it's true.


Anonymous said...

All in all,
Give her,
Another brick in the skull.


Anonymous said...

Watch the video. She says someone asked her for her number. Almost certainly a black male. They like the booty. When she said no he hit her with a brick. Or so she says.

So it apparently has nothing to do with "karma" for her practice of annoying even slapping white people and posting it on social media.

Anonymous said...


(Breitbart)New York City is considering a measure that would essentially remove statues of Founding Fathers such as George Washington, all while facing a migrant crisis costing taxpayers billions.

According to a list found in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, officials will consider a bill that would:

…require the Public Design Commission (PDC) to publish a plan to remove works of art on City property that depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefitted economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity.

Under this criteria, the Father of the Nation’s depictions could get the boot, including the famous statue in Union Square Park.

Other statues, including that of Christopher Columbus, would also be subjected to this measure.

According to the bill, if the PDC opts not to remove a work of art of an individual who fits the criteria, it would be required to “include in the plan steps it will take to install an explanatory plaque next to the work of art.”

“This bill would also require the Department of Transportation to consult with the Department of Education to install plaques on sidewalks or other public space adjacent to schools that are named after a person that fits the criteria,” a summary of the measure adds.

Other items on the agenda include bills to “require the Commission on Racial Equity to establish a Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation process in connection with the City’s historic involvement in slavery” and “require the Chief Equity Officer to create an anti-racism training for employees of human services contractors.”

Years ago, former President Donald Trump predicted that the far-left would eventually turn on the Founding Fathers.

“This week, it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is George Washington next week, and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: ‘Where does it stop?'” Trump asked during a press conference as the far-left kicked off the trend of removing Confederate statues.

“Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments,” Trump said on X, formerly known as Twitter, in 2017.

GRA:blacks,in charge of city governments,will recreate the city in their own image--that is one of the consequences of demographic takeover of the big cities.Others include:massive crime,police assassinations,budget deficits and filthy,ghetto-ized neighborhoods.

This is where "America" is at--and headed.


jeigheff said...

Check out the comments. It's good to see people getting fed up with this sh*t, even if it is a just another hoax.

Anonymous said...


(FOX NEWS)A town on Long Island said it would take any unwanted statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Christopher Columbus amid a push by "woke" New York City officials to have them removed from public display due to alleged ties with slavery and the mistreatment of Native Americans.

The town supervisor for Brookhaven, about 70 miles east of Manhattan in Suffolk County, said town officials would cover the cost of dismantling and shipping them.

"You know, I didn’t want to comment on whether that was right or wrong because that’s a decision of the city. But I said, ‘If you’re going to do that, hey, we’ll take the statues,’" Town Supervisor Edward Romaine told The New York Post on Tuesday.

"We look at their accomplishments, what they did for their time and how they contributed to the long arc of history," he added of the historical figures. "And we would welcome having those statues."

As New York City is being crippled under monumental budget cuts due to a migrant crisis straining public resources, the city council is planning to consider a series of measures that would, among other things, remove statues of major historical figures like Washington and create a reparations task force.

The items were included in the city council agenda for Tuesday. The council’s Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity."

The criteria would include figures like Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter Stuyvesant, as well as Columbus – all of whom have statues throughout the city.

During the meeting, bill sponsor Brooklyn Councilwoman Sandy Nurse, reportedly argued the measure would correct history, not cancel it, adding that some statues could have explanatory plaques installed next to them if the city’s Public Design Commission wouldn’t take them down entirely.

"It’s a reckoning with the historical injustices that continue to haunt our cities," Nurse said.

In a letter to New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Romaine explained the historical significance of historical figures to the Brookhaven community, which includes Washington touring the town after the Revolutionary War and Founding Father William Floyd once calling Brookhaven home.

"The Brookhaven Town Board knows the importance of our history in bringing us to the place we are today," the letter said, according to the Post. "If we look through our eyes today and try to judge them for what they did years ago as some people may do they come away with a different view. I look at their contribution to history overall, I look at what they’ve done."

GRA:First they practice on getting rid of statues of White historical heroes(without which,the nig*ers would not be sitting in the corrupt jobs they enjoy today)then it's actual White people.And Whites CONTINUE to allow this to happen.There IS only one solution,because blacks have shown a complete unwillingness to assimilate with White law,White history or White people--except for White women--and that is,taking the country back by force--a bloody civil war.


Anonymous said...

OH, I didn't do nuffin' to nobody. This looks like to me the idiot in Japan Johnny Somali idiot stuff but a woman this time in USA. Damned negress.

Anonymous said...

Sandy Nurse is a Panamanian nig*er.