Sunday, September 10, 2023

he raped me on the phone! (part iii)

[“Who are Lauren Leydon-Hardy and Yoona Ha, and Why You Need to Know”; and

“bLACK msu coach invokes black law, to acquit himself of sexual misconduct (part ii)”]

White Woman says bLACK msu coach phone raped her (part iii)
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, september 10, 2023 at 1:29:00 p.m. edt

“(usa today) michigan state hired an outside title ix attorney to investigate the complaint. she finished her investigation in july. a formal hearing to determine whether Tucker violated the school’s policy banning sexual harassment and exploitation is scheduled for oct. 5 and 6, during the spartans’ bye week.

“the stakes are high for everyone.

“Tracy says Tucker is following through on a threat to ruin her career and reputation by painting her as a woman who mixes professional and personal relationships and files false reports. she fears he will undo her legacy.”

[N.S.: What “legacy”? feminazis call any attempt by a man to defend himself against false charges “retaliation,” and have gotten “retaliation” banned on most, if not all college campuses. Thus, a female can make any sort of scurrilous charges against a man, and he has no right to self-defense.]

“Tucker, who signed one of the most lucrative contracts in college sports history two years ago, could lose out on the roughly $80 million he is owed if michigan state fires him for cause, which would be a stunning fall from the elite ranks of college coaches.

[N.S.: Tucker never belonged in such ranks.]

“reached by usa today on his cellphone saturday night, Tucker hung up after a reporter mentioned the case. the university declined to comment, citing the need for confidentiality during investigations.

Photo caption: “Tucker watches a play during the spartans' game against central michigan at spartan stadium in east Lansing on sept. 1.

usa today typically does not identify people who allege sexual harassment. Tracy agreed to be identified and shared more than 1,200 pages of case documents.

[N.S.: Wait a cotton-pickin’ minute here! I thought the deal with the msm was that they shielded rape accusers, while dragging the names of alleged rapists through the mud, which was already bad enough. Since when do they also shield women asserting they were “sexually harassed,” while dragging the names of the men they’ve accused through the mud? We’re in me-too hoax country here. feminazi privilege knows no bounds. I’ve had it with all shielding of women accusing men.]

“title ix, the federal law banning sex discrimination in education, requires schools to investigate allegations of sexual harassment that took place in the context of a school program or activity. Such claims are inherently difficult to adjudicate because of many of the factors at issue in this case: a lack of eyewitnesses and recordings, the passage of time and the thorniness of litigating consent.

[N.S.: usa today never qualified itself like that when it was destroying the lives of White men.]



Anonymous said...

“Tucker, who signed one of the most lucrative contracts in college sports history two years ago, could lose out on the roughly $80 million he is owed"

This colored man a college footbaw coach that amount of money obscene. College footbaw coaches generally it is said the most respected persons in all of USA.

Anonymous said...


(Yahoo)Suspended Michigan State head coach Mel Tucker issued a scathing rebuttal of accusations of sexual harassment levied against him while suggesting that they were issued as part of an "ulterior motive" to terminate his contract with the university.

Tucker issued the statement Monday afternoon through his attorney Jennifer Belveal, a day after MSU announced that he would be suspended without pay. Tucker was suspended following an accusation that he masturbated during a phone call with Brenda Tracy, an anti-rape activist who works with organizations on sexual assault education and did so with MSU's football team under Tucker's watch

"Brenda Tracy’s allegations of harassment are completely false," Tucker wrote. "The proceedings initiated by Ms. Tracy are devoid of any semblance of fairness for any matter of this importance, and the University’s ‘hearing’ scheduled for October 5-6 is so flawed that there is no other opportunity for the truth to come out."

Tucker acknowledged the existence of the phone call in question in his statement while writing that it took place as part of a "mutual friendship that grew into an intimate, adult relationship.”

"While I am saddened by Ms. Tracy’s disclosure of the sensitive nature of this call, let me be perfectly clear — it was an entirely mutual private event between two adults living at opposite ends of the country," Tucker wrote. "She initiated the discussion that night, sent me a provocative picture of the two of us together, suggested what she may look like without clothes, and never once during the 36 minutes did she object in any manner, much less hang up the phone."

(GRA:But he said her allegations were "completely false.")

Tracy filed a complaint with MSU in December, initiating a Title IX investigation into Tucker. Citing that investigation, USA Today reported the alleged details of the April 26, 2022 phone call in a story published late Saturday.

GRA:Tucker is not only a liar,but stupid too.


Anonymous said...

Most embarrassing for the colored man is that he only could self-satisfy himself. Negro men are noted for the their suave behavior and hip behavior toward the ladies. This colored man is less than a ladies man it all seems to say.

Anonymous said...


(NY post)Houston Rockets guard Kevin Porter arrested for strangling WNBA player girlfriend at NYC hotel: sources
By Larry Celona, Joe Marino and Amanda Woods
Published Sep. 11, 2023, 3:21 p.m. ET
Houston Rockets guard Kevin Porter Jr. was busted in the Big Apple early Monday for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend — a former WNBA player — inside a Manhattan hotel, authorities and sources said.

Cops nabbed the 23-year-old pro baller at around 6:30 a.m. after receiving a 911 call for an assault at the four-star Millennium Hilton New York Hotel at 1 UN Plaza in Midtown, according to the NYPD and police sources.

When officers arrived, they found Porter’s 26-year-old girlfriend Kysre Gondrezick — who previously played for the Indiana Fever and Chicago Sky — with a cut on her face and suffering neck pain, cops and sources said.

Porter allegedly hit Gondrezick multiple times and placed his hands around her neck, cops said.

The alleged assault took place after the couple went out Sunday night and later returned to the hotel, according to sources.

Gondrezick was sleeping when she woke up to her NBA player beau hitting her, the sources said.

GRA:Ain't "black love" grand?It's an illusion.


Anonymous said...


MIDTOWN, Manhattan (WABC) -- NBA player Kevin Porter Jr. pleaded not guilty Tuesday to assaulting his girlfriend after he was arrested in Manhattan on Monday.

The Houston Rockets guard was released on $75,000 cash bail. The judge imposed a temporary order of protection.

Porter, 23, is charged with assault and strangulation. According to the criminal complaint, the 26-year-old girlfriend told police Porter struck her "repeatedly about the face with a closed fist, causing a laceration above her right eye and bruising and substantial pain to her face."

The woman said Porter applied "pressure to her neck by forcefully squeezing it, causing her to experience difficulty breathing, redness and bruising to her neck, and substantial pain," the complaint said.

She was taken NYU Langone Medical Center where doctors said she suffered a fractured vertebrae in her neck.

Sources say the victim is a former WNBA player.

Porter had signed a sizable contract worth over $15 million next season with the Rockets despite the fact he had a history of trouble.

Porter was previously arrested in November 2020 in Ohio on a weapons charge, but a grand jury declined to indict him. However, the Cleveland Cavaliers made him inactive for the first half of the season and he was traded to Houston in January 2021.

The Houston Rockets said they are looking into the investigation, but at this point had no further comment.

Porter is due back in court October 16.


Anonymous said...


(ESPN)Buffalo Bills owner Terry Pegula allegedly made a racist comment about black players in the NFL, according to a racial discrimination lawsuit against the league filed Tuesday by longtime reporter Jim Trotter.

Trotter alleges in the lawsuit that in 2020, a fellow NFL Media reporter recalled a conversation he had with Pegula, who was speaking to the reporter about the NFL's social justice initiatives and black Lives Matter.

The reporter, who was not identified in the lawsuit, told Trotter and approximately 40 other NFL Media coworkers during a Zoom call that Pegula said, "If the black players don't like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it is."

(GRA:Or just Chicago,Baltimore or St.Louis crap neighborhoods.)

The lawsuit states that Trotter, who is black, pressed executives at NFL Media to investigate Pegula's comments, which were "highly offensive and racist," but that he was "repeatedly brushed off and told that 'the league office is investigating it.'"

Pegula has denied making the comment.

"The statement attributed to me in Mr. Trotter's complaint is absolutely false," Pegula said Tuesday in a statement. "I am horrified that anyone would connect me to an allegation of this kind. Racism has no place in our society and I am personally disgusted that my name is associated with this complaint."

(GRA:Lol.Me thinks he protest too much--but it isn't important whether he said it or not--see below.)

The lawsuit also mentions Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who allegedly told Trotter in 2020 that "If blacks feel some kind of way, they should buy their own team and hire who they want to hire."

Jones' comment allegedly was made during a conversation with Cowboys executive Will McClay, who is black, and Trotter about "why teams have so few black decision-makers," according to the lawsuit. Trotter, who described the exchange as "rather contentious," said that Jones ultimately suggested that he and Trotter "should 'agree to disagree' about the NFL's issues with race."

Jones said in a statement that the lawsuit's "representation" of his exchange with Trotter is "simply not accurate."

"Diversity and inclusion are extremely important to me personally and to the NFL," Jones said. "The representation made by Jim Trotter of a conversation that occurred over three years ago with myself and our VP of Player Personnel Will McClay is simply not accurate."

GRA:One,is it racist to tell blacks to "go back to Africa?"I don't think so.You wouldn't tell them to go back to Russia or China.Africa--YES.
Two,we all know the owners think this way,the black players know they think this way and take their millions and both sides laugh about it.The reporter--sitting on the outside---wants a cut of NFL money,and this is his way of going for it.