Tuesday, September 12, 2023

affirmative action, fake ex-nfl journalist sues league on grounds so mysterious even Agatha Christie would be left scratching her head!

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, september 12, 2023 at 08:58:30 p.m. edt

"ex-nfl media journalist sues league, alleging long-standing institutional discrimination, accuses Jerry Jones of racially insensitive comments

"Jones [i.e., Jones' lawyer] issued a statement that said in part: 'diversity and inclusion are extremely important to me personally and to the nfl."



Anonymous said...


(ESPN)Buffalo Bills owner Terry Pegula allegedly made a racist comment about black players in the NFL, according to a racial discrimination lawsuit against the league filed Tuesday by longtime reporter Jim Trotter.

Trotter alleges in the lawsuit that in 2020, a fellow NFL Media reporter recalled a conversation he had with Pegula, who was speaking to the reporter about the NFL's social justice initiatives and black Lives Matter.

The reporter, who was not identified in the lawsuit, told Trotter and approximately 40 other NFL Media coworkers during a Zoom call that Pegula said, "If the black players don't like it here, they should go back to Africa and see how bad it is."

(GRA:Or just Chicago,Baltimore or St.Louis crap neighborhoods.)

The lawsuit states that Trotter, who is black, pressed executives at NFL Media to investigate Pegula's comments, which were "highly offensive and racist," but that he was "repeatedly brushed off and told that 'the league office is investigating it.'"

Pegula has denied making the comment.

"The statement attributed to me in Mr. Trotter's complaint is absolutely false," Pegula said Tuesday in a statement. "I am horrified that anyone would connect me to an allegation of this kind. Racism has no place in our society and I am personally disgusted that my name is associated with this complaint."

(GRA:Lol.Me thinks he protest too much--but it isn't important whether he said it or not--see below.)

The lawsuit also mentions Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who allegedly told Trotter in 2020 that "If blacks feel some kind of way, they should buy their own team and hire who they want to hire."

Jones' comment allegedly was made during a conversation with Cowboys executive Will McClay, who is black, and Trotter about "why teams have so few black decision-makers," according to the lawsuit. Trotter, who described the exchange as "rather contentious," said that Jones ultimately suggested that he and Trotter "should 'agree to disagree' about the NFL's issues with race."

Jones said in a statement that the lawsuit's "representation" of his exchange with Trotter is "simply not accurate."

"Diversity and inclusion are extremely important to me personally and to the NFL," Jones said. "The representation made by Jim Trotter of a conversation that occurred over three years ago with myself and our VP of Player Personnel Will McClay is simply not accurate."

GRA:One,is it racist to tell blacks to "go back to Africa?"I don't think so.You wouldn't tell them to go back to Russia or China.Africa--YES.
Two,we all know the owners think this way,the black players know they think this way and take their millions and both sides laugh about it.The reporter--sitting on the outside---wants a cut of NFL money,and this is his way of going for it.


Anonymous said...

There is a special degree of animus among some negroes toward Jones as a teen was present at the high school when the colored girl Little Rock AR was denied admittance.