Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Bill Gates’ massive covid profiteering exposed in viral social media post

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, september 19, 2023 at 07:40:20 p.m. edt

Bill Gates’ massive covid profiteering exposed in viral social media post


How could he not know?

Something like 40 percent of the budget of the world health organization comes from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

Are folks that stupid?

Never mind.


Anonymous said...

I read this months ago.He bought tons of Pfizer stock early in Covid and sold a few months ago.

Must be psychic.


Anonymous said...

And psycho--how many thousands has he killed with his vaccination programs in India and Africa--BEFORE he killed many more with the fake Covid "vaccine." He has no conscience--a characteristic of psychos. Now he wants to cut down and bury 70 million acres of trees and bury them so he can sell carbon credits (of course every school child knows trees actually take carbon dioxide OUT of the atmosphere and release oxygen). Then he is causing fruit and vegetables with a coating containing toxic chemicals. There is no end to the evil this nutjob dreams up and pushes on the public. He needs to be locked away whee he can no longer kill people.