Tuesday, July 04, 2023

White Slavery Day, 2023: Commemorating the White Man’s Bondage

By Nicholas Stix

I’m running out of time on july 4, so I’m going to write the quick-and-dirty intro to this essay.

Millions of American men, virtually all of them White, came home in 1945, after saving the world. They looked to enjoy peace and prosperity. However, other powers sought to reduce them to bondsmen.

Some of these powers were communists, while others were self-styled aristocrats, who hated ordinary, White patriots….


Anonymous said...

...and they've proven that every day since about 2009.

Side note:Grand Rapids is down to 57% White.Incredible,this gnawing away at the city by minorities.Forty years ago,we were easily 85% White--and the streets that were White,were ALL White--the one I grew up on,included.

They tried to take over my block--I'm back in the house I grew up in--but I fought them off and got two black fambilees and one Mex evicted,saving this stretch of street.One of my best accomplishments and it's possibly the only all White block in the area.

Happy 4th of July.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Well said Nicholas. I'd like to comment on some of the below stories but have been locked out for a couple of days, I can only get into the latest story comment field, nothing before that. Can't even get into comments from the side column like I used to. Sometimes lasts for a couple days, sometimes for a week or so.

Anonymous said...

Under the tax system everyone who works is a slave.

Tax freedom day for most Americans is sometime in early May. When prorated over the full year, 100% of what you earn until that day goes to the govt. After that you work for yourself.

But a few years ago, someone on social media did say that "At this point, white people are little more than tax cattle to support the rising tide of diversity." Which was basically true then. And is still true today.

Weird stuff going on with Medicare and COVID tests:


"I noticed on my Medicare summary statement a charge of $96 dollars paid by Medicare for a March 23, 2023 billing by Mars Lab Services Inc, in Chicago Illinois for “provision of covid-19 test, nonprescription self-administered and self-collected use, fad approved, (K1034).” I was expecting no such tests. None of my doctors had ordered such tests, and shortly afterwards a package of 8 tests appeared in my mail.

Apparently 8 tests were not enough. Medicare paid $96 to Covigen Medtox Lab Inc. in Linden NJ for a May 2, 2023 billing of “provision of covid-19 test, nonprescription self-administered and self-collected use, fad approved, (K1034).”

I now have 16 tests at Medicare’s expense for which I have no use. All of the tests came with expired dates, but with a notice that the FDA had conveniently extended the shelf-life of the expiration date."

Lots of corruption in Medicare. Among providers and regulators. Basically equivalent to ambulance chasing with lawyers. Any kind of provider knows there is endless money available. And stupid people working for the govt. Along with lax oversight and regulation.

Probably AT LEAST 25% of what is spent on Medicare is 100% wasted.