Thursday, July 13, 2023

pro-homo teacher fired in wisconsin

By "W"
thursday, july 13, 2023 at 05:27:49 p.m. edt

pro-homo teacher fired in wisconsin


Anonymous said...

Seems more like an amatuer--not a pro--or he wouldn't have gotten fired.Check back in a month--he'll probably be back.


Anonymous said...

Physically unattractive, check.
Overweight, check.
Visible tattoos, check.

Visible tattoos ought to be disqualifying for a teacher, as they used to be for cops and the military.

Probably either starved for male attention so she seeks attention in other ways, or is a lesbian. Open homosexuality ought to also be disqualifying for a teacher.

"But officials have declined to say why they considered Rainbowland to be controversial, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel – a leading Wisconsin news outlet – reported."

Because it's inappropriate for kids that young. She teaches 1st grade.

Tolerance leads to incremental degradation. First you tolerate this, then in a short time you're expected to tolerate the next thing, which is incrementally worse. And so on. The pattern is obvious.

Homosexual marriage was a big mistake.

Anonymous said...

"Homosexual marriage was a big mistake."

G R A:Right up there with 1964-65 Civil Rights and Voting Acts and Roe v Wade.The destruction of a country in three quick acts.