Wednesday, July 12, 2023

"letting Paris burn"

By An Old Friend
tuesday, july 11, 2023 at 11:40:12 p.m. edt

"letting Paris burn"

What below is from Chronicles, to which I have a subscription.  This may be behind their paywall.

Letting Paris Burn

Inline image

A row of flipped and burning vehicles seen on June 29 in Nanterre, a suburb of Paris where riots erupted after police shot and killed a 17-year-old ethnic Algerian who resisted arrest. (Evgeny Poloyko / Sputnik via Associated Press)


Anonymous said...

The minority and immigrant rioters, for their part, have some real justification for grievance [N.S.: The hell, they do!] because they expected to share in Western affluence after having been allowed in by corporations..."

GRA:THAT'S the fantasy of the whole situation--there was as much chance of being rich in France as there was in their own country.

Stay home.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely 100 %. And not confined to France. All the nations of Europe with large foreign populations. Let the whole world and especially your respective European homeland know what is in store for you. Maybe you will wake up.

Anonymous said...

"the very arrival of all of these third-world immigrants into Western countries en masse has become a net detriment to the societies they join"

Don't even really WANT to join the host society. Want to maintain the old ways in the old country but just in France or England or wherever they come from.