Thursday, July 13, 2023

"Letting Paris Burn": The castration of the American male

By A Colleague
thursday, july 13, 2023 at 06:30:58 p.m. edt

"Letting Paris Burn"

"When you neuter the native populace, there's a power vacuum, and when there's a power vacuum, what do we expect to happen?"

"These two actions of neutering the native population and importing high-testerone Third-Worlders are so at odds with each it purposeful?  I'm not sure, but has anyone considered this?"

"How do they expect all of this to end? The problem with migration specifically is that there is no native, masculine populace to enforce any culture, or boundary, or parameter."

Footnote on the neutering process for Western males:  Steve Sailer had a great post on this topic in 2010.  Quote & link below: 


"...young people do have a finer side—their hunger for heroes—that history books once tried to fulfill rather than exploit. For example, I was galvanized in 1975 when I read Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison's tribute in his Oxford History of the American People to Orville and Wilbur Wright:

'Few things in our history are more admirable than the skill, the pluck, the quiet self-confidence, the alertness to reject fixed ideas and to work out new ones, and the absence of pose and publicity, with which these Wright brothers made the dream of ages—man's conquest of the air—come true.'

"But the Wright brothers aren't the kind of heroes we like anymore. In our Age of Oprah, rather than Heroes of Accomplishment, we are addicted to Heroes of Suffering.

… This Heroes of Suffering fetish is exacerbated in modern history textbooks by the 'diversity' imperative.

"Take, for example, one US history textbook widely used in high school Advanced Placement courses and in college courses: Nation of Nations: A Narrative History of the American Republic (McGraw-Hill, Fourth Edition).

"It's in many ways an impressive book. The amount of labor that went into it is enormous. And, as you notice the political mandates under which the five historian co-authors labored, you begin to feel sorry for them.

"You feel even sorrier for the students, however. The need to include a huge amount of material celebrating each politically organized diversity group has bloated the textbook to 1277 oversized pages. It costs $108.78 on Amazon, and weighs in at a vertebrae-compressing 5.4 pounds.

"That's child abuse! If a kid is assigned five textbooks this massive, that's a backpack that weighs 27 pounds.

"No wonder high school students seldom ride bicycles to school anymore. They're so top-heavy they'd topple over.

"Celebrating diversity just take a lot of space. Even with a tome this immense, diversity awareness means that there isn't room in all 1277 pages to mention…the Wright brothers.

Nor is there room for the following architects of the 21st Century: the inventors of the transistor (John Bardeen, the only two-time winner of the Physics Nobel Prize, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley); the inventors of the semiconductor chip (Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby); the inventor of information theory (Claude Shannon); or the discoverers of the structure of DNA (James Watson and Francis Crick)."

* * *

"Of course, leaving out so many annoying white male Heroes of Accomplishment from the textbook doesn't mean that the historians have managed to dig up comparable diverse Heroes of Accomplishment.

"Instead, the space mostly gets filled with Heroes of Suffering. And who made them suffer? You get one guess." ("That Texas Schoolbook Massacre: Have Critics Actually Looked at Current High School History Texts?," Steve Sailer, April 25, 2010)



Anonymous said...

True,swap White heroes for White "devils" and you have a new history book of oppression--with accompanying reasons for reparations.

It's another con job by blacks,designed for the sole purpose of being given money for nuthin'--the way they always try to get it.


Anonymous said...

"is it purposeful? I'm not sure, but has anyone considered this?"

Correct. Is it purposeful. And even if not purposeful, surely it is being done against the wishes of the locals. Multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious mixing results in a society that does not work or does not work well.