Wednesday, July 12, 2023

italian pm Meloni opens door to lots more non-eu workers

By “W”
wednesday, july 12, 2023 at 05:39 p.m. edt

italy’s pm Meloni opens door to lots more non-eu workers

the arguments of the “free enterprisers” sound very familiar:

if you hit a paywall from the financial times (I didn’t), try this link:


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Meloni is a conservative who supposedly was going to take a hard line stance against immigration:

She did some positive things at first but now might be shifting to the left.

"Rome announced it would give 425,000 work permits between this year and 2025 to non-EU nationals after complaints of staff shortages in sectors"

Sounds like she could be bowing to pressure from corporate business interests or maybe she just pretended to be pro nationalist and really believes in the diversity new world order. Is there an Italian word for rino?

Anonymous said...

Is there an Italian word for rino?
Yes,meloni--just invented.


Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone in Italy voted for that.

Anyone who still thinks Democracy is a good form of govt, or represents the "will of the people", the "consent of the governed", etc, is nuts.

Italy has an aging population and birth rate problem. So they have a pension problem. They also have another problem: they no longer have the lira, their own currency. Which they could theoretically create as much of as needed to pay their pensioners. Instead they have the euro.

It's a big mistake for any country to give up its national currency.

Anonymous said...

Why did all the White people in all the White countries,decide--all at the same time--to stop having kids?Japan also.


Anonymous said...

"Meloni is a conservative who supposedly was going to take a hard line stance against immigration:"

Indeed. That was her pledge. And not so much immigration but illegal aliens. Boatloads of Africans invading Italy. EU must have put a lot of pressure on her.

Anonymous said...

Merkel was also a "conservative". And she let in over 1 million non-white migrants.