Saturday, July 08, 2023

GRA Onstage: “Adrenochrome” (music video)

[“Tim Ballard exposes the truth about adrenochrome.”]

Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, july 8, 2023 at 4:02:00 a.m. edt

Paul Simon song?

“Adrenochrome” (sung to “Kodachrome”—natch) By GRA

When we hear all about the nuts who live in Hollywood,
It’s a wonder they’re not all in jail.
So as we ponder, that they’re into drinking children’s blood,
Hollywood’s an idea—that has failed.

It’s gonna make them all ageless,
Drinking lots of plasma extract,
Makes them all think—they haven’t aged a day.

They’ll never need a camera,
They’ll be a walking photograph,
“So doctor, don’t take our Adrenochrome away.”

When I think back to all the anti-aging crap we took,
It’s a wonder I can walk at all.
And though the side effects, appear to not have hurt my eyes,
I can’t read the writing on the wall.

Supposed to make you ageless,
Drinking lots of plasma extract,
Makes them all think—they haven’t aged a day—oh yeah.
They’ll never need a camera,
They’ll be a walking photograph,
“So doctor, don’t take, our Adrenochrome away.

“Don’t take our Adrenochrome,
Don’t take our Adrenochrome,
Don’t take our Adrenochrome awa—ay-ay.
Don’t take our Andrenochrome,
Must take it when I’m at home,
Must take it—when I go away—ay-ay.

Don’t take our Adrenochrome,


(big musical finish)



Paul Simon: “Kodachrome” (+ lyrics)


Anonymous said...

That one needed a video--thanks.Fun,though.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Ha ha, hilarious! Great song by the once great Paul Simon. One of the greatest songwriters we had when he was Simon and Garfunkel and about 5 albums through his solo career. Then he became obsessed with being a "world music" (negro sounds mostly) ambassador and descended into mediocrity. I know a lot of people love Graceland and Rhythm of the Saints, and critics lavished them with praise but I hated both of them on first listen and still do. Yeah, he utilized black background singers for Loves Me Like a Rock and had a Caribbean lilt for Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard but those were great songs he was just adding texture to, when he started hanging less than great onto African sounds, I lost interest. He did go back to his more pop folk roots later on but the magic was gone, for me it was a couple of hummable songs per album and a lot of stuff I couldn't listen to.

Anonymous said...

That guitar style of his on the great 60s and 70s hits--which he still replicates today--"Sound of Silence","Mrs.Robinson","At the Zoo" etc--is music to my ears.If you see him on YouTube doing a festival or two--in 2023,he can still play those chords,but the voice has had it.Still a pleasure to see.