Friday, July 07, 2023

french gun control failed, leaving law-abiding citizens helpless, as nation burned

By R.C.
friday, july 7, 2023 at 11:53:31 p.m. edt

french gun control failed, leaving law-abiding citizens helpless, as nation burned

Isn't french "gun control" a success?

Disarm the natives.

And arm the invaders.

Sounds like a globalist's wet dream.

Say, how is Jeb!'s son doing?

Asking for la raza.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, average French citizens attempted to stand up to the rioters with wooden bats and other improvised weaponry"

Those orientals in that one image might be Korean? Like the roof-top Koreans in LA 1992. Most all adult Korean males have military training and know how to use weapons.

Recall the Muslim too using obviously weapons smuggled into France. Some having an automatic fire capability. They too will just break into armories or police stations and steal what else they need.