Saturday, July 01, 2023

france destroyed by floyd-like rioting (part 2)

[Previously: “france has fallen: moslem rioters destroy country.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, june 30, 2023 at 9:44:00 a.m. edt

“(zh) rioters targeted municipal buildings, town halls, and libraries in various major cities, stores were looted, and all hell broke out nationwide as the government deployed 40,000 police officers yesterday afternoon to quell the violence. about 200 officers were injured overnight in the Paris suburb of nanterre, where the teen was killed.

“the unrest is so bad that president Emmanuel Macron left an eu summit in brussels, where he will hold another emergency security meeting friday, afp reported, citing his office.

“video and pictures on social media of the rioting are absolutely shocking.

GRA: Macron is getting what he wanted and we assume he must have known—as EVERYONE with any idea of how moslems behave, have predicted this would take place eventually—including many on the NSU site.

More martial law? The ukraine, france—the u.s. in 2024?



Anonymous said...

Better do something fast and now. The rioters seeing nothing done will become just that more emboldened.

Anonymous said...

The bad guys even broke into a zoo and released the animals. Lions, elephant, gorilla roaming loose. Assorted beasts of the human type running amuck as well.