Sunday, July 09, 2023

Ben & Jerry's co-founder arrested

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

"Ben Cohen, co-founder of ice cream brand Ben & Jerry’s, was arrested last week during a protest in favor of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

During an event in Washington, Cohen sat outside the Department of Justice building along with left-wing CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans. They were both arrested for blocking the entrance to the DOJ building, according to video footage of the incident.

The co-founder of the Vermont-based ice cream company was then seen setting fire to a sign that read, “Freedom of the Press” and said, “Freedom of the press is going up in smoke.”

GRA:The press?Cohen's idea of a free press is total leeway to make up every damn lie they want about Whites and cops.So what's his beef?They have it.


Anonymous said...

Oh shucks--I was hoping he was arrested for stealing Indian land for Ben and Jerry's headquarters--and personal houses.

Anonymous said...

"Speak up—with your wallets."

Exactly. Hit them where it hurts. No more Ben & Jerry's for anyone. Boycott. Al Sharpton was right. "Hit them in the pocketbook where it hurts". Thank you Al.