Wednesday, July 12, 2023

An Anti-White hate crime murder (no, not that one!) in memphis, in the nameless war (photos); the daily mail has so far permitted only 207 mild comments; pc editor Ted Verity is putting the screws to outraged readers

War crime victim, Dr. Benjamin Mauck

By “W”
wednesday, july 12, 2023 at 05:12:17 p.m. edt

The Nameless War: White orthopedic surgeon reportedly killed by congoid in memphis wednesday, july 12, 2023 12:06 p.m.

Grateful patients testify that they met him at the Collierville Baptist Church

Another victim of “civil rights” legislation. Wherever there are blacks, there is danger

suspected war criminal Larry Pickens was one of Dr. Mauck’s patients; I wonder how much Pickens paid for his care


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Tennessee hero saves a woman from being raped:
The perps name is Brandon Merritt. All I could think when I saw his picture was if Brandon Merritt is an anglicized Ibrandaham Meritjab.

Anonymous said...

"Pickens, 29, shot and killed Dr. Benjamin Mauck at the Campbell Clinic in Collierville, Memphis, at 2pm.

It remains unclear what the shooter's motive was. Until yesterday, he had no criminal record."

GRA:Meaning...what?No criminal record makes this baffling?

I posted something,along those very lines,stating a few months ago:"All blacks are capable of shooting someone,whether they've committed crimes before or not."

The reporter acts astonished,but anyone who reports on these war crimes with any frequency should know the mindset of blacks as a race.The idea that because a particular black hasn't exhibited tendencies toward gun violence means anything is a misguided,dangerous conclusion.Most have that defective brain genetic,so when a black with "no previous record" unloads on Whitey,it isn't a surprise to me.Sociopaths hide their true personalities well.


Anonymous said...

"I wonder how much Pickens paid for his care"

Most people today pay little for such "care". Which is actually a problem in many cases. For example, if insurance did not cover "gender affirming" care, it would be happening far less often. Both hormone replacement and surgery are very expensive. Seen reports that the bill for hormone replacement can run up into the hundreds of thousands over a few years.

If he was employed he probably had insurance. Even if not employed he probably had some sort of coverage. Insurance pays almost the entire bill for something like orthopedic surgery.

So that's not a very relevant question.

More proof that Blacks have no impulse control nor basic human empathy. This is why they can and do commit so many horrendous crimes of violence. Crimes other races do not to the same extent.

For the protection of others, Blacks ought to be segregated. Wait, wasn't that the case at one time?

Anonymous said...

And what exactly was the beef of the Pickens boy? No motive?

Anonymous said...

Many docs carry firearms. Anybody that can write scripts for drugs needs to do so. And have to sometimes confront volatile patients that are unhappy about their treatment and care. However you can never do enough for those people.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The look of defiance on his face...No remorse, no guilt just a sociopathic mindset.